Golf Babe

Putting SECRETS You Haven't Heard Before || 3 Set Up Checkpoints

In this video Adam teaches you some of his putting SECRETS that you probably haven’t heard before. Adam goes over the essential putting set up checkpoints that will hole you more putts. Eye line, hand placement and shoulder plane are crucial putting keys for the right set up. Adam also touches upon bracing the core when putting which will allow for the arms and hands to be more fluid and soft in the swing. Bracing the core will also maintain more control over the putts, especially the long lag putts.


  1. Great video with lots of good tidbits Porz….I luv your content.

    The only thing I would challenge for elite putting ,is the position of the eyes 👀 being directly over the ball for everyone…..
    I strongly believe that everyone sees the correct line a little differently from a perpendicular viewpoint to the target, depending on if their left or right eye is dominant.
    (Mike Malaska you’ll never putt the same )has an excellent YouTube video covering this subject regarding putting optics and eye position….
    Check it out ,give it a try and see what you think, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts 💭…on this video.

  2. Do you have a link to purchase the training aid? Have seen this in a few videos. Would like to incorporate this pre/post-round.

  3. Are keeping the core tight back and thru on all putts? Have heard all the other stuff you showed in the video, but nothing about the core and how to use it properly

  4. Adam this doesn't have anything to do with putting but I was just watching one of your downswing videos My question is how much room should there be between your right elbow and you're right hip in the downswing when the club is parallel to the target line? Or maybe you can do a video on it Thanks in advance and I love your content

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