HIP TURN IN THE GOLF SWING how WRONG have we been, the garage sessions in LA

There’s a lot of debate in the golf world about how important the hip turn is in the golf swing. In this video, I discuss why I believe that the hip turn is one of the most important aspects of the swing and how you can use it to improve your game.

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  1. Interesting and would be nice to have access to a coach with this technology to better understand it.

  2. Ultimately should the takeaway here be the feeling of your front leg pushing back behind you? I've seen a lot of long drive guys teach this for gaining speed where they are "jumping" out of the way with their lead foot.

  3. You walked passed my friends old apartment on redondo! I’ll keep working my pins and get those vertices up

  4. Love this so much.
    It seems this feel would be tough not to hit huge slices out to the right—would love to see how you’re able to keep your face and path on form together.

  5. Does this create to much force in the lead knee/joint? 🤔 Snapping back at every swing could be an injury waiting to happen.

  6. Food for thought, excellent video Mark.
    Watched it twice now with more to come just to try and understand bits of it…..
    I think this is going to give me a massive headache 😱

  7. Please forgive me if i'm wrong but Zen golf have been teaching this move for a long long time, just have lesson with them.

  8. Relational and reasonable physics that I can follow. How to put all this into muscle applications of a golf swing was extremely difficult if not impossible to grasp. So how valuable is information that have no way of using? Do we all need to go to this guy's garage?

  9. Such coincidental timing, this video. Just been working on this in the garden today, battling the 'early extension' and not having space for the arms, creating horrible fat draws. Focusing on the left hip moving backwards and up, not just up or sliding towards the target. Might all be too late for the round tomorrow, but I'll be at the range early to see what it does!

  10. I’m super confused…how much of the arms do I need to concentrate on during the swing? If I think about pushing my lead foot out in front of me and my trail foot behind me, I can’t think about bringing my arms down to hit the ball…I mean it happens automatically, but shouldn’t I try to control where they are at different positions in the swing?

  11. Sorry Mark I'm lost with that one. New golfer, and I'm bearly managing to compress the ball consistently lol.

    I'm sure there are things in that video that I could apply, but my mind is already clogged with tonnes of stuff, just trying to take the club back correctly.

    Maybe later down the line lol

  12. J’ai jamais fait autant de progrès dans mon swing que depuis que je me concentre sur le travail de mes hanches et mon bassin, c’est pourtant très rare de voir des enseignants s’y consacrer….

  13. Love these videos Mark. So much to learn. Although it does frustrate me that I learned golf when all the information and teaching was the opposite of what we know now.

  14. Very interesting video, love his explanations. It's a very intuitive way of processing golf movement, I like it.

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