HIT DRIVER LONGER (Monster Distance Drill)

Want to hit your driver longer? Everyone does. Here’s a great drill that will give you monster distance.

I’m going to warn you right now, you are not going to get this in 2 minutes. This drill takes constant repetition. I would like you to do it daily for 1 month. Small price to pay to increase your clubhead speed and get monster distance with your driver.

I have have countless students do this drill in the past. Every one that actually did the practice hit driver longer so I know it will work for you too.

So if you want to hit your driver longer by gaining more clubhead speed then please stay focused and do this drill for 1 month. If so, you won’t believe how long you will hit it.

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  1. I was working on this today on the range. It really makes a difference. Many thanks for another great tip!

  2. So many golfers never reach anywhere near their full power, speed, and distance potential simply because they don't know how to use their wrists. I've found that learning to use my wrists properly allows me to engage the rest of my swing with my wrists and use my natural strength and speed to smash the crap out of the ball the way I used to wonder why I couldn't do back when I was hacking and slashing before the days of YouTube. Great tip to help all those people who are clueless about what their wrists should be doing.

  3. One of the best instructors out there. When im off i think about “turning the arms off”, use the hips and have driven a few 300 yarders.

    Only thing killin my average distance is smash factor. I spray the face with foot spray and have streaks of striking on bottom third of the face, some barely on the bottom. From what I understand that adds backspin killing distance. No clue why.

  4. Paul in your other video you talked about being loose and I see how this will help. I finally broke 100 getting a 98. You would thought I won the Masters. Thank you so much Coach! Richie, Naples, FL.

  5. Sorry Paul I’m having difficulty with this one I mean I can hit a ball I’m a 3 hcp player I’m 58 years old 5 foot nine and 150 pounds are you talking about ulnar and radial deviation.. Is there no pronation or supination of the wrists I don’t think there is but I need your expert opinion on that..

  6. Hi Paul, great tip! Do I bow or cup my wrist during max backswing? I found it easier to hinge my wrist if i cup my wrist, but was told that it will cause slicing

  7. Thanks Paul, biggest problem we have is we lock everything up, this is a great hand release exercise. Greetings from Mexico!

  8. I hit it better when I set my wrist in the backswing and feel like I'm holding that wrist set through the ball and naturally release it during the follw through

  9. So my wife started saying ear to ear ear to ear ear to ear. Haha.
    I have a question though. When I swing with what I think are loose wrists I don’t feel anything in my wrists. They just go where the momentum of the swing takes them. This drill and some others from the past seems more purposeful like this is a job the wrists do that I need to be conscious of. Am I misunderstanding? Thank you. Started the drill tonight.

  10. Thanks Paul. Any drill of yours that I have used worked, period.
    This is being added to my daily routine.

  11. Paul, thank you for your videos. I was wondering if this drill is only good for the driver or for irons as well.

  12. An hour with NO comments!?!?

    Well, I had to throw you one. Watching your videos has forced me to swing lose and slower but finding that my swing speed has actually increased, my distances has increased, and I'm hitting for fairways/greens in regulation.

    I shot my lowest score this year, a lot because of my driver and iron improvements. I shot 73 and never thought I'd shoot that low. Thank you so much! Keep the instruction coming!

    If you ever make it out to Cincinnati, Ohio, I'd love to do a range session with you!

  13. Oh man my ears are big as donkeys man I'm going to kill that ball hahaha. And there goes that hinge and unhinch it's stuck to my brain thanks Paul the best tips ever

  14. Paul, I understand for this drill, the grip pressure should be around 8 from start to finish. I’m wondering in my actual swing, should the grip pressure be 8 as well from start to finish? I struggle with the concept of having lose arms and when to have tight and when to have light pressure.

  15. I'm sick of only hitting my driver 220 yards. I'll be sure to try this drill at the range today!

  16. Oooooh, I like this one, Paul! Will try this at home. Could/should I also try this with something heavier, like a orange whip?

  17. Great tip. Going to start this drill. I developed a habit of loosing my grip in my back swing years ago. Agonizing. After watching you I focused on the grip and of course other tips you’ve given. It’s improved my ball striking. I’ve been told I don’t set my wrists.
    Thanks coach.

  18. Paul it’s the small “devil in the details” stuff you say, which makes you a good teacher. Like this drill you said “you cannot just be doing this once a week, but EVERYDAY”. That’s the real gold. And you don’t hear that from other YT golf teachers.

  19. What a perfect at-home drill. I would love to see some more ideas for at-home drills without a ball!

  20. I can't tell you how much your videas have helped me. I've always been an "arms" hitter. As I've gotten older, I've lost distance hitting with my arms. This drill forcing the wrists to hinge is the decret to the game. It takes a daily reminder (for me) to not use my arms but use my body and shift my weight. Thank you Paul!

  21. Paul, I'm sorry I've been MIA for the past few months. Things have been busy with kids, golf and life. I've gotta get my swing filmed and over to you on your Website. I am still after the tour. This drill is fantastic and one I will always work on. Past month or so, I've been working on countering a hook off the tee with my driver. I've weakened my grip a little–it was too strong and I've made sure to remind myself to fire my lower instead of sliding and staying too far behind it. Ugggggh.. this happens every once in awhile for me like how someone gets the shanks. Golf, right? lol Hope you are well.

  22. whenever i do this drill, wrist hinge and unhinge, my lead wrist (left) will always cupped. it does give me longer drive but how not to cupped the wrist.. is it ok?

  23. Paul great golfers post up on their lead leg in their finish. Same with pro baseball pitchers. Is this something we should be thinking about doing? I’m thinking it might help to keep me from swaying toward my lead side during the downswing. Thoughts? And thank you for posting all the content….it’s super helpful

  24. I'm an older golfer, back to the game after many years away. Suffering from low clubhead speed. How many repetitions per day do you recommend?
    Surely not 5 or 2000. But where in between?

  25. i like this one. my miss is failing to compress and with less arms my distance suffers (190-200 instead of 240-260). i'm going to work on this starting today

  26. Hi Paul, thank you so much for your content. One question: what is your opinion on 'Super Speed Sticks' and that kind of stuff?

  27. This body swing, loose wrists/arms concepts are the key to all the swings. I'm hitting the ball better than I ever had before. The other day I shot a 42 with a double bogey and Im a bogey golfer at best. I get excited about making pars as most people do about making birdies. Looking forward to increasing my drive yardage with this tip. Amazing what happens!!!! Thanks Paul for all your tips!!!!!!

  28. Great drill, It made me realize I wasn't releasing my wrists on follow through enough, I took it to the range today and was killing it. Looking to kill some wallets tomorrow at the course!

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