Golf Babe

I MISSED THE START OF MY 50 MILE RACE! Running the Dragon 50 on the Wales Coast Path in a heat wave!

I’ve finally managed to edit the video from running the Run Walk Crawl Dragon 50! I filmed WAY too much of it (mainly because I was blown away by the stunning scenery) and I really tried to get it under an hour. But then I’d spent so long editing it and decided that an hour is arbitrary and hopefully it’s engaging enough viewing.

The challenge was to run 50 miles from Kenfig to Cardiff along the Wales Coast Path. It’s the first ultra I’ve done where I’ve not been able to recce any of the route, or been familiar with the places we would be running, and so I was a little out of my comfort zone but that was part of the challenge!

This race was a proper emotional rollercoaster! From missing the start (thanks to Dragon Taxis cancelling my taxi) to running on one of the hottest days of the year, from sand and stoney beaches, to hills… not to mention what seemed like a terribly unreasonable number of steps! I absolutely loved it though.

Huge thanks to Weleda for supporting me with this challenge and another huge thanks to Run Walk Crawl events for letting me race.

All day I was inspired by the incredible 100 mile runners and it was such a joy to see so many of them come in after I had finished and was relaxing at the beautiful Norwegian Church in the gorgeous Cardiff Bay.

This race will always hold a special place in my heart because, having never really run in Wales, I am now fully in love with the Wales Coast Path. I would absolutely love to run all of it one day when Poppy is older!

Happy running,

Nicola 🙂


  1. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Brünette und eine anderez Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  2. 'Hats off to you' Nicola, your fantastic, your determination to complete the ordeal was admirable. I found myself fighting back the tears when you were suffering so bad. You are an inspiration to all the young runners who follow you (especially Poppy) and …… an 'old' one who watches your every accomplishments. Glad to see Al (I also subscribe to him) meeting you at the end. Keep running!!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful, brutal and… batteries? I can't believe how much footage you managed to get. Well done for slaying the dragon!

  4. That was so heartbreaking at the start..I felt for you. So glad it all worked out. Awesome. Well done 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💪💪

  5. Absolutely amazing achievement Nicola! 👏👏 Especially in that ridiculous heat! What amazing scenery – love Wales! Some of that terrain looked super tough – Well done you!

  6. Such a worry at the start …..but the stiff upper lip was deployed lol …..congrats Nicola …..keep inspiring us all

  7. I really enjoy your ultra videos – I'm nowhere near your fitness or ability but you make them seem accessible, somehow! I suppose, at the very least, you give people like me a taste of what running something I'm unlikely to ever do feels like. Well done on continuing to turn up for these insanely long events, and please keep filming them! 🙂

  8. Great video. The beginning was a little heart breaking with the taxi situation. The sand looked horrible to run in. You attitude is amazing…next time I go the wrong way, Ill remember "few extra miles for my money"….also amazing recording skills while walking that narrow cliff path and any stairs up or down. I was really hoping to see you with a gigantic ice cream cone at the end…you deserved it. I'm really looking forward to watching lots of your past and or course, future videos! Well done!!

  9. Oh my god Nicola, what an awful and stressful way to start your day. Not going to say what I think of Dragon taxis, but I’m sure you can imagine. Anyway all is well that ends well and you got to start in the end and a big shout out to the organisers. Great video Nicola and wonderful to watch. Thanks as always for sharing and take care.

  10. Even though I knew (from WMN spoilers) that you'd get to the race in the end, I had to watch the start from behind the sofa! 😱 Excruciating viewing – seeing your anguish and upset as you lived through all of our worst race-day nightmares: Boo, Boo and shame on you, Dragon taxis! But YAY for lovely guesthouse peeps! What an epic challenge and an epic vlog. I'm exhausted and dehydrated just from watching it. Congratulations Nicola x

  11. Fabulous event and well done Nicola and a roller coaster emotional journey … what arseholes at dragon taxis !! Smashed it in the end though despite the sand and diversions lack of ice creams and heat !! Incredible 👊🏁

  12. Nicola, an hour+ video is definitely not too long. I've watched it twice already. What an epic journey, to be sure. All respect for slaying the dragon. I hope you were able to get in the sea before returning home. You certainly deserve it!

  13. Amazing endurance in that heat. What was your time? Had been thinking of doing this next year. Nav looks tricky.

  14. Wow what a great video of what looked like a brutal race, that was a massive mix of emotions I nearly didn't want to watch it all after our local taxi firm let you down massively. After that it was onwards and upwards, even made me consider this race. Thank you for giving us this vlog. And please next time you consider this race give one of us a shout and we will sort transport. See you soon 😊

  15. All that sand and stones looked horrible! Also, how can you wear black on that hot a day! Top job again xx

  16. Absolutely rivetting video Nicola. Well done on completing the challenge and thank you for taking us along with you and showing us both the highs and the lows. Amazing!

  17. Brilliant work Nicola, you stayed focused and pushed on, huge respect to you. Also very pleased to see the return of the worm 🪱 😋

  18. Nicola v Steps. Looks like you won 😄 Brilliant video, and a fantastic achievement given the start of your day and the ridiculous heat. Bit of a heartbreaking start, very emotional. You definitely deserved a Mr Whippy

  19. Wow amazing really well done. Thanks so much for sharing the video it was incredible 🎉

  20. Absolutely incredible, huge well done. I really fancy having a go at something like this. How do you do the navigating running a route you haven’t done before? Did you have the route mapped on a gps device?

  21. Wow epic vlog! I love that you capture the highs and lows of ultra running and you did amazing in that heat! Sun is definitely bs
    Some really useful advice regarding running in heat do thank you
    One thing the guy with the biggest backpack 😳 what was in that bag??!! That must of been so tough carrying that
    Well done that is one amazing, brutal ultra

  22. I'd watched one of your 100 mile run videos a couple of days before the Dragon 100 (my first 100 so was starting to get last minute nerves) then right at the end (crossing the barrage into Cardiff) you plodded past recording with the camera. Well done, it was so hot!

  23. Oh my word! Grab the popcorn and make sure you are sitting comfortably. This is a real lows and highs vlog. Full of magical moments and a strong strong Nicola who runs and runs and runs!

  24. Wow what a rollercoaster of a day! Thank goodness for the owners of the guesthouse giving you a lift! 🎉 Awesome vlog, massive well done!

  25. Seriously well done on getting going at the beginning. If that had happened to me I’d probably have had a tantrum and given up! (And I definitely might have given up at that little path along the cliff by the sea. I never deal well with things like that…) If I ever do anything like this I’ll have to have stern words with myself or I’ll end up like that guy with the massive bag. I’m a chronic over-packer

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