The Perfect Golf Grip

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The Perfect Golf Grip

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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  1. The unusual reduction oddly detect because sandwich dewailly clean for a wakeful bit. open, tasteful hamster

  2. Really nice video, will try putting these marks on my gloves. Been struggling with my grip for a while!

  3. Great video. When I have my right hand on the club should the right thumb be dowmnthe middle of the shift orbe on the right side (small principle you showed for the left thumb)? If I keep the right thumb and forefinger pinched together on the right side of the shaft the club feels very unstable.

  4. Don’t know why this has only just turned up on my suggested playlist, but I’m glad it did – and it’s now in my saved items! Great instruction, Clay. Thank you.

  5. at 6:10 it shows the wrong grip with a club, but not the correct grip with the club. I think this is a big correction for me and wish I could see the correct grip with club orientation.

  6. Thank you so much, always struggled with my grip, playing my best golf every because I am confident with my grip and driving a mile, accurate shots to the green, magic !

  7. Oh man just fixing my left hand like that properly allowed me to get a tad higher on my backswing and hinge better. My thumb was way to right of center.

  8. Me again, just shot a 68 and left a comfortable margin out there to close, so grateful for your help

  9. Great video content! Excuse me for butting in, I would love your thoughts. Have you heard the talk about – Paneevelyn Swinging Clubsman (search on google)? It is a smashing one off guide for revealing an effortless golf swing technique without the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my work colleague got excellent success with it.

  10. I would pay you to do this for left handed people. It’s so HARD to watch you righties and have to flip everything over. At least put the left handed version on the screen please of the gloves. Thanks

  11. Back after almost 20 years. Used to shoot 90s. Pre youtube, hell pre internet. Learning about forward shaft lean and compressing the ball, however the flight path of my ball is way lower now. When I do it right the ball goes way longer and is more solid. I'm worried about holding greens though with a ball that does not go high. How do you hit a high shot into a green with forward shaft lean?

  12. So I'm confused, I get a blister EXACTLY where that red triangle is when I practice. Is that good or bad?

  13. Completely wrong. This is not good Instruction. If you want to learn how to grip a golf club go see your local PGA pro and the off of YouTube. This guy guy is just making money of your views.

  14. Great video, the way the proper grip is explained was very easy to follow. I can visualize everything he said. I grabbed a golf glove and put marks on it and off to the range I went to try it out.

  15. This dude knows his sh1t but I always wait for the sell. 2/3 gold and then I switch off.
    Still easy one of the best coaches on YT.

  16. I'm 67 yrs old, a 27 handicap, been golfing for 37 years and never understood the importance of grip. After watching this and practicing one time, I went out and shot an 86. I've never been in the 80s. Can't wait to practice a little more and then see what Clay means by "lag".

  17. I wanted to say thank you for making this video. Immediately after watching this i drove straight to the range and implemented your techniques. Wow I couldn’t hit the ball straighter. I finally got rid of my slice. My driver was further and straighter than ever before and my irons were hitting pure. Great video.

  18. Hi Clay. I watched this video a couple of weeks ago because I had lost faith and control with my grip. I practiced your grip at the range and was quite happy. I put it to the test yesterday and my local league course. No parallel fairways. OB and hazards everywhere. I was thrilled! I shot a pair of 41's for an 82. The real kicker is I played the same ball for the entire round! That is the first time I've ever done that and have been playing here for 20 years!!

    Thank you for the video and the superb explanation of the mechanics and purpose of the segments of the grip.

    Dan B. I play at Blue Heron Hills in Walworth, NY

  19. I'll put all of these into practice today. I've been trying to figure out the right grip for so long that makes me crazy while I'm playing out there

  20. I have had major grip issues recently and this brought me back and made me realize I had a few issues. This is solid

  21. Watched this video on Monday, managed to qualify for the Masters , see you on Sunday Tiger. Jokes aside, excellent video

  22. Love the idea of the marks on the glove. Really helped me understand how the left hand should be. You never really discussed the right hand. Interlocking with pinky or over the top? Other tips for right hand? Thanks for a great video.

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