Golf Babe

"Burger King" Karen Gets Destroyed By Manager

Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom




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  1. When I have to wait for my food at least 15-20 minutes I just wait and in the end the workers apologized and sometimes gives me something extra as thank you for not making a scene and I said it cool plus ive worked at Customer Services at Target so I too can relate

  2. Front line fast-food workers are stressed out these days. There's a problem with understaffing and a lot of the people are new and therefore still learning.

    I went through a drive-through the other day, and even though what I ordered was standard fare for the place, I was asked to pull up and wait, which I did. Time went by. Eventually, someone — the manager, I think — came out and was talking to someone on her phone. When she was done, she came over to my car and asked what I was waiting for. I told her. I could hear her bellowing at the kitchen staff as she went inside.

    Shortly after, she came out, handed me a bag and thanked me for my patience. I thanked her for taking care of me.

    When I got home, I discovered she'd added some extra food to the order to compensate. 🙂

    Being nice is a reward of its own. But turns out it sometimes has other benefits too. 😁

  3. Folks who work in the service industry? Are NOT HERE FOR YOUR ABUSIVE PLEASURE!!! STAY THE F-HOME cook your own food!! It's healthier

  4. I worked in retail for over 20yrs! People like this see you as a “worker” and not a real person! Their definition of customer service is to kowtow to their every need asap! When you inform them that they are NOT the center of the universe they lose it! The struggle of trying to find employees willing to put up with this bs is very real!

  5. Wow you said it all so why doesn't it apply to Cops just trying to do their job and people go out of their way to annoy them

  6. People!!! For Pete's sake stop abusing people in the retail and service industries! When millions of people were able to work at home during the pandemic, supermarket clerks, fast food restaurant cashiers, waiters and waitresses still worked and risked their lives every day. Simply smile, take your purchase, say thank you and walk away. Do not make their jobs harder than it already is…seriously.

  7. I think that there are some people who enjoy being angry, and they wake up every day ready to find something to be angry about. It feels normal to them and makes them feel superior, which they need only because they feel inferior.

  8. In quality hotels, they let people yell, I know, I worked in one.

  9. You are always so very polite, and you have such a nice voice, what I was really thinking is, maybe we should try and get a grip! It's going to be okay! You WILL NOT STARVE TO DEATH WAITIng. it's Burger King karen. The worst food you can eat. Im always joking kind of n telling people that mc d's and BK are the frontline of urban america…. U betteh b packin major heat to get u some mc d's. ….. 😁

  10. Treat other human beings the way you would want them to treat you, no matter whom, no matter where, no matter what.
    It's called common decency, Karens parents obviously didn't do a good job.

  11. The manager 'gave it to her – her way'. They went outside and Karen got her ass beat and top ripped off. Her male friend (in the car) watched he get worked over. Justice Wins!.

  12. Hey Karen… welcome to forever on the internet in the age of cancel culture

  13. Breakfast menu finished? 25mins is bad service, we hoogree, where's Michael Douglas's character when u need him?

  14. I have been spat at, had books thrown at me, and a disgusting toilet seat thrown at me because I wouldn’t let them return it – it was like they used it for months are never cleaned it. Customers are NOT always right!

  15. I love the way the very first thing we hear is the camera girl saying the word "Karen".

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