If you are trying to break 80 out on the golf course this could be the simplest way to achieve it. Coach Lockey is giving you 3 keys to improve your approach play. Not only giving you tips on how to approach different shots but also giving you some much have shots in your armoury. Start hitting that golf ball in the correct places to score better and lower your golf scores. Approach play it keys to success out on the golf course. If you enjoy the video be sure to hit the like and subscribe button and turn the bell on for all new video notifications.


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  1. One of the best tips I ever got when I first started playing was to always play to the back yardage my gps system gave me regardless of pin position.

  2. Callaway top looks good. Their kit has definitely improved lately.

  3. Coach, can we get a video about speed on greens, this is by far my worst area, even on courses I play regularly I can't seem to dial it in, tips drills etc. Would be great! Thanks! Keep it up.

  4. Using a lower loft on an up slope, and more loft on a down slope has been big for me too. If I'm on an up slope, I club up every time. An up slope adds loft so you need more club to negate the added loft from the lie.

  5. Great video. Cant argue with SS data. I can say that my normal
    Miss is left though. Upper body out races the lower body and a nasty hook is the result.

  6. On my course if you aimed for the centre of the green but missed 5 yards short you’d be in the fairway on every hole, with a shot that’s either level or uphill on 12 holes. If you were 5 yards long, or pin high but 5 yards left or right you wouldn’t be on the fairway on any hole – only if you were within 2 yards of the green would you be on fairway or fringe. Appreciate all courses are different but figuring out the best miss certainly places you short where I play, though clearly pitching on the green has to be the aim especially if from inside 150 yards.

  7. Great video coach that's been one ov my problems lately under clubbing, keep forgetting it's still only April thanks for the tip

  8. I think like most mid to high handicap players I don't think about going to the back of the green at times and do come up short trying to hit a hard iron into the green, so good tips Coach.

  9. Excellent content Coach, thank you. Great to see your channel developing so well. I have learnt so much from watching you and Mark for the last 6 years (thanks for that), but will be a regular visitor here from now on for more Lockey tips!

  10. Thanks for the tips coach. For me its a knowing the solutions in general vs doing it when I play. For some reason I go stupid and dont always do what i should do…. Maybe its the ego and alcohol…

  11. Good tip about aiming at the back of the green. Probably best to avoid if big danger behind the green, but I’ll be aiming at the back now most of the time

  12. like it coach, been trying to break80 for a while now! had a couple of 80s but still missing that extra shot!

  13. Coach – I presume that you'd agree that it's also worth considering dangers of hitting it long? Nearly all the local golf courses I play are within confined spaces and hitting it long is also out of bounds, so better to be short than long where there is out of bounds danger just behind the green?

  14. Trouble I find at the range is the 'old" range balls, never sure what these range balls fly. I remember once I had a tray of new range balls and old and the difference was amazing just in new and old, never mind a proper quality ball. Unless your range gives you proper golf balls and you can play off grass (not matts).

  15. This was just in time for me! I’ve been smashing driver further and straighter consistently but I seem to have lost my approach play, I’ve come down from 28 to about 15 handicap and I feel like better approach play will get me into single figures 🤞🏻

  16. Preach! Great information. Should be recommended viewing for all golfers. I play off a 3 and this is super relevant to how I’m trying to up GIR and give myself less stressful up and down challenges.

  17. What a great video. Thanks Coach. I did it today at my course and took into account front and back yardages. Certainly made me play better and went round in 79.

  18. I'm not sure about the long-short thing, coach. Most holes we play are extremely penal long of the hole and relatively easy up and downs…or at least no worse than bogey, short. The fear of going long is real and it's because of how holes and courses are set up. 90% of greens slope back to front.

  19. This seems like a 14 handicapper giving advise. And the advise is more relevant to someone trying to break 90

  20. I have started using my 'back of green' yardage.. But now i'm finding i'm running through the back more with firmer greens, which on my course is not good.. Better to be short than long..

  21. About your last tip: every time I grip down the longer club, I end up skulling the ball over the green…
    I really hate it: I’d rather end up short with the proper club.
    P.s.: and with a 7hcp, I’m not that bad, overall…

  22. 190 yards, a good 6 iron. Who are you kidding. Not in my wildest imagination would I ever be able to hit a 6 iron that far. If I could hit golf balls as far as you with the same clubs as you I would be teaching not learning.

  23. Excellent content Coach. Course management advice is exactly what Im looking for from your videos. Happy to subscribe.

  24. Anyone else shocked that scratch golfers only hit 50% GIR? Goes to shore how good their short game must be. I hit 45% GIR on Sunday and thought that was a bit crap, but don’t feel so bad now 😂

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