30 Yard Low Spinner


  1. Always solid advice. Getting that weight forward and that little bump works wonders in and of itself. Are you a fan of opening the stance a little?

  2. Another great video! I would however be a little bit cautious about people misinterpreting letting the club head pass the hands. I think a lot of people would miss hit shots if they did this.

  3. I mean if you can’t play this shot then you probably shouldn’t be golfing…. I call these folks the weekend warriors lol 😂

  4. This hits so close to home man. Other day I hit the best drive of my life, 310 yards down the middle of the fairway, and chunked my 80 yard wedge shot lol.

  5. Most consistent way to to hit a low spinner is ball back of stance and a steep angle of attack. Club makes contact with ball first.

  6. Watched this vid when I woke up and played better short game than I have in a while. SUBBED👏🏼👏🏼

  7. Hes so bad at golf and singing I honestly thought these were supposed to be funny. Youre a joke

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