GOLF: THE TRUTH About How To Clear Your Hips In The Golf Swing

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  1. Would this approach and setup be applied from Wedge to Driver, or would there be changes as you worked up through the bag. Thanks.

  2. Yep. This is great content. These examples are how I shape the ball. I’ll feel like I “turn” more, and exit left, to hit a fade. I’ll also use a slightly bowed left wrist to help hold the face off a little better. To hit a draw, I’ll feel like more of a “slide”, which helps me swing the club more out. And because of less “turn”, my body feels like it slightly stalls, which naturally releases the club sooner, which closes the face through impact. I think better players need to experiment with both shot shapes, to feel these sensations. My swing is far from perfect, but I’ve learned how to manipulate path, and face just from experimenting. Ball position, wrist conditions, and grip also influence how you swing the club. Play around with it. It’s worth the effort.

  3. this is my biggest problem. tore my right Achilles a while back, and my hips are not very flexible. also, subconscious is still hesitant on turning on my toe. gonna hit the range later & see how this works

  4. This is such a great video to slot in the self correct part of the brain so when you see your ball flight not starting where you want it – if pushing right then more tilted turn or if pulled draw then more slide extend. Love the comment about 'tight' flight – that's exactly what I see when I'm really working on the tilted turn – its very addicting to see it.

  5. This series with Steve has been great! So many coaches ignore the follow through – after you hit the ball, it doesn't matter. This is so wrong – knowing where your body should be after the shot is really important. I have been trying these thoughts on the course this week and they have been very successful. Thanks!!

  6. Eric

    I really enjoy these videos you do with Steve

    Would love to see more videos with you two together

    The guy is a great instructor like yourself and compliments the understanding one gets watching what you are teaching

  7. Stack and tilt works. Feels a little unusual in the beginning especially if you're use to the pivot method. Changed my game. Don't chunk or top as much. It just felt weird in the beginning but once you commit and stick with it, the results are there.

  8. My first downswing thought is get my hips open at least 30deg at impact. Has greatly improved my ball striking and distance. Not easy to do if you’re an inflexible old guy like me. But you have to do it if you want to play good golf

  9. What if a golfer is standing too close to the ball. Wouldn't that lead to early extension and standing at impact making it difficult to clear the hips?

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