Watch These Golfers Avoid a Swarm of Bees – Golf Rules

The players take cover as they try to avoid being stung. What is the ruling on their delay of play, or what if the bees were to hang around for a period of time?
The Committee would certainly understand the player’s delaying their play (Rule 5.6a) to minimise injury from a swarm of bees/or other flying insects that can sting/bite.
If the swarm was to stay in the vicinity of the players, or near a populated are of the golf course, such as a green or teeing area, the Committee would be best advised to suspend play for the short time that the swarm is there. Should there be a nest nearby, the Committee should get the maintenance crew, or other professionals involved so as to move or eradicate the problem.
Rule 5.7b.
If there is a nest in an area where a player’s ball can be quite easily moved, then Rule 16.2 – Dangerous Animal Condition, would allow a player to take free relief by determining the nearest spot that avoids the condition, and then dropping within the one club-length relief area, no nearer the hole. If the player’s ball was in a penalty area, the relief area for no penalty strokes would be staying in the same penalty area, or the player could proceed under Rule 17.1 by taking penalty relief from the penalty area.

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