100 Freelance Writing Tips After Earning $100,000 in 2 Years| Use these strategies to start and grow

100 Freelance Writing Tips After Earning $100,000 in 2 Years |
Use these strategies to start and grow your writing business.
I never thought I’d get to write a post like this.
A few short years ago, I was a broke blogger making $500 per month from Google ad revenue.
To pay my bills, I was also flipping stuff on Craigslist, using 0% balance transfers on my credit card, and burning through my savings account.
But in January of 2018, I went all-in on freelance writing. That one decision changed my life and business in the best way possible.
In two years, I cracked $100,000 from writing online and working part-time.
I got paid to write about personal finance, self-improvement, digital marketing, and golf content.
While there are have been a lot of ups and downs, I’m proud of what I’ve achieved since boldly quitting my six-figure job in 2017.
Use these 100 tips to avoid my mistakes so that you can launch and scale your own freelance writing business.
Don’t give up — at the beginning of monetizing your writing online, it’s always tough. You just have to keep going and know that you can do it.
Outline your work so that you never stare at a blank piece of paper when beginning a new project.
Find your ideal writing time to write faster and create your highest quality of work (usually, this time is earlier in the day).
Block out distractions while writing to stay focused and produce your best work.
Use Grammarly Pro to edit your work. I once lost my highest paying client because my editing was so bad. Please don’t make this mistake.
Hire a coach for 1:1 or group coaching to speed up success.
Write in a journal on a regular basis. Use it to brain dump ideas and manifest your goals by writing them as if they were already done.
Always set goals no matter where you’re at in your freelance writing journey. Whether you’re making $500 per month or $5,000 per month, keep setting goals so that you always have money coming in.
Network with other writers to avoid loneliness and get support from other people doing what you’re doing.
Study SEO like your life depends on it.
And then study SEO some more. Seriously, if you want to make six-figures writing, you need to get your clients’ content to rank high in Google so they get more leads and revenue.
Hone your work on Medium if you aren’t ready to start a blog or go all-in on freelance writing (yet).
Get in the habit of writing. While I don’t think you need to write every single day, I do think that you need to stay consistent so that you can learn how to write faster and refine your process.
Use Upwork to land your first client. Sure, some gigs are low paying, but it’s a good way to build momentum and get your first client.
Read more books about your niche and other topics that interest you to cultivate new ideas.
Turn off your phone and put it far away from your computer when you’re writing. This will help you avoid context switching and stay in a flow state.
Use a notes app on your phone to document new ideas and never lose your inspiration.
Get out of the house and talk to real people (even if you’re an introvert). I’ve gone days without talking to anyone except my dog and girlfriend (it’s not a good idea).
Never miss deadlines.
Plan your week on Sundays so that you have plenty of time for all of your writing.

Be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there and going after your dreams!
Hopefully, you can take these tips and start or grow your freelance writing business.
If I can make over $100,000 freelance writing in two years, working part-time, I know you can too.
Remember, at the beginning of your writing journey, everything will feel like the hardest thing ever. This includes landing clients, pitching your services, learning SEO, writing, and everything else.
But once you find your groove, your hands will hit the keys like Beethoven’s on the keys of a piano.
Soon, you will be making money from home, traveling, enjoying life, and getting paid to write words online.
I believe in you — go out there and make it happen!
Tags: Freelance Writing, Writing, Writing Tips, Writers On Writing,