This Is The SECRET That Allows Pro's To Hit Their Irons SO FAR

Ever wondered how the pro’s hit their irons so far?? It’s all to do with how they twist the club through the swing, get this right and you could be tapping into distance you never knew you had.

So, this is the secret that allows pro’s to hit their irons so far, work on this and you could be seeing the benefits next time you play

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Lyle & Scott


Elegant Golf Resorts



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🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.




  1. Over the winter I have lost 40 yards with my irons, used to hit 7i 170yrds and now 140 yards which is so embarrassing.

    Been watching my swing and I since I have started s****ing the ball I have lost all confidence and only taking 12 swings even though it feels like I'm swinging full…….although I have found a fix I still hit the hosle on full swings.

  2. The way I think about this, and the way I was taught to swing, is that every swing has a chip in it (except a flop shot) and that happens at impact, then carries through impact, and releases in the follow through. I’m going to be interested to see you video on the difference between chipping and pitching because I see most being taught to pitch instead of actually chipping, because “it’s easier”…

  3. It's 100% striking the ball solid with good speed. I recently slowed my swing down to 50% for hours, focused on making good, solid contact (clipping the grass) I started going full speed. My 7 iron averages 200 yards and goes straight as an arrow. Repetition is key.

  4. Basically, the drills are getting people to hit their irons like Lee Trevino — who had one of the most consistent swings in the history of golf.

  5. I think Chris Ryan’s videos are the best, and there are some good ones out there. I like the drills he gives to help you feel what you aren’t doing right in your swing.

  6. This has been a massive help in not topping my iron strikes. More compression, lower ballflight, more distance.

  7. I think the difference is the amount of practice they put in. I played basketball and trained a lot. The more I practice the easier/effortless it became to shoot from farther out. I always say that pga pros get paid to practice while we pay to play. They also have knowledge or have instructors telling them how to make adjustments or swing properly. When I go to the driving range I have no idea what I am doing wrong with my swing even when I record myself. So biggest key is proper unlimited practice daily
    PS: I am 6’6 and 275lbs-a little chubby. But I know I have a very slow swing to keep somewhat accuracy-under 105

  8. Why do these instructors think if they have to talk forever to get points across? I can never even watch the whole thing. Notice that Faldo does his videos in about 2 to 3 minutes

  9. Does the wrist position at the top and bottom of the swing apply to fairway woods and driver?

  10. Just for balance: I can bow my lead wrist as much as DJ at the top but still present too much dynamic loft at impact. So it’s never straight forward in golf.

  11. IMHO this is not how it really works. Hit irons like putter is lost in translation as when you hit your putter you swing in angle maybe 15 to 25 degrees but when you hit irons you do full swing. So IT IS NOT hit it like putter but hit the ball the way to make it move horizontally like it was hit with putter. Second point is that OF COURSE that main reason why PROs hit the ball further IS SPEED and nothing else. You are talking about delofting and dynamic loft only – do you really think that PRO with dynamic loft of his 7 iron at 23 degrees and ball speed 130mph will hit the ball the same distance as me who will use eg. 5 iron with same dynamic loft at 23 degrees and ball speed 100mph?

  12. That golfball drill is something else. New sub. My game is on the uptrend, trying to shave off 10 strokes, get into high 70's again. Lately been BLOWING it on little miss hits. Bomb one off the tee, duff the next shot. Driver is wofking, putting less than 36 a round, short game is saving srrokes… oh well. Thanks for the vid, new sub!

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