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Bears 2022 fan survey results & training camp preview, Justin Fields & more | Jahns & Fishbain

How much faith do Bears fans have in Justin Fields? Do they trust Ryan Poles’ plan? We’ve got the results of The Athletic’s 2022 Bears fan survey as Kevin Fishbain joins the pod to review the responses with Adam Jahns before they dive into some final thoughts before the official start of Bears Training Camp.


  1. I received a Bears Orange Fields Jersey for Christmas last year from my girlfriend. I'm pretty sure I've worn a Fields Bears jersey more often than he has

  2. Let’s face it, this team will be bad. I get it, new regime focusing on discipline, work ethic blah blah blah same sh*t the 53 guys on the other side are taught. Except those guys will have more talent.

  3. Hoge is difficult to make fun of???
    What the hell are YOU smoking, Fishbrain???
    Start with his stupid "shallow-bowl cut" hairstyle, then move on to how he cries like a little girl over the weather, is a U.W. alum (f*ckin' traitor), constantly incorrect about facts, has atrocious grammar, is a Sux fan, enjoys retarded, meathead movies – & that's just scratching the surface.
    No, son – "Hahj" is an EASY mark for being ripped.

    As for Fields, I've said it a hundred times & I'll keep reiterating – because he's our quarterback, I want him to succeed, but the reality is, at best, he's a mediocre NFL quarterback who was selected ahead of the quarterback whom the Bears SHOULD have drafted (Mac Jones), because Ryan Pace pulled another Trubisky/Mahomes/Watson debacle.

  4. Cutler is a right wing anti vaxxer. I got no problem with a person choosing not to get a vaccine but when you have a platform like his and he promotes lies after lies I have lost all the respect I had for him. The Bears are going to be a lot better than the media has been saying that is for sure. All the haters are going to hate cause thats what they like to do.. Keep on bashing the Bears and being negative. Adam Rank is the only Bears media that I have any respect for.

  5. These guys just amaze me over and over again….give 0 respect to a new staff before they even play 1 practice game. They just keep jumping on the idiot bandwagon…hating on Field's.

  6. How many times does Poles needs to say that Fields is his guy before this talk of “he didn’t draft him so he isn’t committed to him” goes away? Like I get the point given that it happens with other franchises, and GM’s aren’t going to always be honest in their answers to the media; but it’s been reported multiple times that Fields will get a fair chance to be the guy and is a big reason why Poles and even Getsy came here. It’s a mute point to me

  7. I have 3 Justin Fields for bear even 3 Ohio State jerseys. Oddest Jersey for Bears a Glenn Millburn

  8. It's amazing how you go out of your way grasping at straws…constantly talking about Poles came here and don't believe in Fields despite him saying otherwise…y'all constantly CREATING NARRATIVES!!! It's Pathetic!!!!

    Now had he remained quiet on Fields thoughtout this process you would have had more of a point. But he's literally come out and praised him, his work ethic, and leadership yet yall still casting doubt…go to NY and see how much support the GM is putting behind Daniel Jones of the Giants…I bet it's a huge difference.

  9. Bye Bye Soldier field. I grew up there…heck my father WORKED THERE!!!. But the fact that the people who run the city are complete idiots and if they could charge you for the air you breathe…they would. Its time for change. A new stadium is the right move. Jahns don't ever repeat Ryan Paces name again please…not even in a joking manor. 🤣

  10. I bet neither one of these guys have ever played football. Bears aren’t gonna be that bad this year. 8-9 win team

    Also the te room is prob our deepest position group

  11. Well Jay Cutler or Coaching!?
    Before Cutler came to Bears in his 3rd yr with Denver Cutler put up 4,526 passing yards that season

    To me and Majority of Bear Fans know the main reason This Bears organization depends on Heavy Run game and Heavy Defense. To try and win games ! Over past 30+ yrs couple playoff appearances, 1 Superbowl loss appearance, 1 NFC Championship loss appearance

  12. Why cant the line be better? Fact is it cant be worse, nor can the scheme, or coaching. All of it can only improve when ur at the bottom. We establish the run 1st and Fields world will open up. I look at us signing a Fullback and the 2 top ranked run blocking WR and the tea leaves r easy 2 read, yet all we hear is the mainstream narrative : Natterin neybobs of negativity 2 quote Spiro T Agnew. Teams suck until they dont , and then u media talking heads will talk about how u knew it was coming. On the flip side yall gave Nagy 3+ years b4 starting to ask him any hard questions. Shame, u should have all been replaced w new regime in my eyes.

  13. It’s really hard for me to listen to the media when it concerns Fields. Really hard. I can’t even listen to this entire podcast without getting agitated. This is essentially another rookie season for Justin based off the coaching from last year to this year. They are up here comparing him to all these other quarterbacks and none of them had to deal with what Justin had to deal with. From bad coaching and scheme from Nagy, bad offensive line, a wr1 (Robinson) who checked out on him and the team, the coach getting fired, getting a new coach and scheme and having to learn that. Yet all they do is create this narrative that the organization and fans don’t believe in him or not sure about him. It’s crazy.

  14. On the NBA jersey conversation, as a young teenager I got a #4 Chris Webber Bullets jersey. I wish I still had it.

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