Doesn’t everyone want more distance and hit solid irons? They sure do. Well, here is a drill you can literally do at home and at the range to widen your swing arc.

The wider your swing arc, the faster your club will swing. The problem with most golfers is that they contract their arm muscles as the hit the ball which narrows the swing arc. This leads to a chicken wing which loses distance and doesn’t allow for solid irons that are compressed on the right trajectory.

This drill will finally get you used to the feeling of loosening your arms so you get a wider arc. This is a weird feeling when you first do it so you need to do this enough until a wider swing arc feels normal. To do this you need to be doing daily practice swings. Practicing once a week isn’t going to cut it.

So do this drill daily at home. The payoff is more distance with all clubs as well as solid iron shots on the right trajectory. Seems a small price to pay for great golf.

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  1. Greg Norman said the first part of your takeaway should be your lead elbow going straight back down the line. I tried this and could definitely feel more tension in the lats. Prevents me from lifting the club straight up too. I struggle with the release though. When I have loose arms I keep chunking it. And my rear heel is off the ground too. I think my upper body is getting ahead of the ball.

  2. just wanted to share with you. Paul, I remember getting into golf and struggling with driver, then I found your video of how to hit driver. from then I bought some of your material. I've been bombing my driver ever since I was probably scoring 115- 120
    in the beginning, then I started breaking a hundred and now I'm consistently playing in the '80s high '80s lol but still breaking '90s. The only material that I ever took seriously and actually drilled was yours. so want to thank you for all your awesome content

  3. I can really relate to what you call a "weird" feeling because I have played a ton of tennis during my adult life – always seeking to improve my game – I would change my grip which felt weird until I practiced and used it so much it didn't. I would change my serve and it would feel weird until it didn't. I am convinced that like most things in life, we have to maintain the discipline to stick to new things we try – they will feel weird until they don't! Thanks, Paul!

  4. Going to try this because I have lost total confidence in hitting my irons. Nothing goes very far and I can get it at the same distance with an 8 or 5 iron which is very frustrating.. Maybe this will help but I do not think that I have a chicken wing. I tend to scoop the ball rather than compress the ball

  5. Paul, do you have a video on when to start DE-celerating the hands? Apparently the pros reach max hand speed around their trail hip and then the hands slow down from there. What do you think about that? I feel I get more effortless power when I focus on deceleration of the hands before impact so that the energy can then flow into the clubhead.

  6. This is EXACTLY why I refuse to hit from enclosed bays. I went to the range yesterday, it started raining, so I went home INSTEAD of using the enclosed bay…. WHY? Because they make me "Contract" because I feel like I'm indoors. I need FEEL OUTSIDE in order to really open up.

  7. Great tip, Paul. I studied Jamie Sadlowski’s slow mo swing years ago and he kinda bends his elbows at impact and shortly after. I modeled his swing – big mistake – I went from having long arms at impact/release to deliberately chicken winging it and my game went to crap. Also really hurt my left wrist. I guess the lesson is: pick a better swing model (maybe one who isn’t double-jointed and trying to swing it 150 mph).
    What are you working on these days? I noticed your driver at the top is now slightly passed parallel – did you get more turn?

  8. I have a sheet hanging from the the ceiling in my basement that I will hit foam golf balls into when trying to work on my swing. I struggle with the chicken wing for sure so was thinking about just using the sheet how you were using the golf bag but not back off of it. That way I will get instance feedback on if I am fully extending. Do you think this would work? I wasn't sure if this is more of a feeling drill and in practice I should be either swinging completely through the sheet or not touching it at all.

  9. Thanks for having us focus on this Paul – so many times I pull that extension back because I don't trust my swing. Time to "just do it"!

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