Golf Babe

Tiger Woods confirms that 'it may have been my last Open at St Andrews' | The 150th Open

Tiger Woods return to St Andrews has ended in disappointment after the 15-time major champion suffered an early exit from The 150th Open.

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  1. He just has to step away and retire at this point. He is no longer competitive. He has to start playing more tournaments to have a chance to win again, but his body will not allow it. I think it is truly over for him at this point.

  2. REALLY???Clapping for a scumbag of a person, Lion Tiger Cheetah…..and he was and is an AHOLE to the other competitors, media and fans. Now the drug addict has a gimp leg which has ruined his career….KARMA BALDRICK!!! He is also railing on the other player playing in the Saudi League, yet he has been sellig and endorsing ALL CHINESE MADE GOLF GEAR!!!! What a loser hypocrite….GOOD RIDDANCE CRIPPLE

  3. Must be tough for him knowing he may very well not win another major again and no matter how much the desire is still there, the physical limitations will not permit it to happen, which is pretty much par for the course for all of us mortal hacks.

  4. Today is a sad day for golf. Thanks Tiger for all the excitement youve given us. You survived that dreadful car crash, so enjoy the rest of your life. Perhaps one day ,we will see you play a few holes with Charlie your talented son.

  5. I think Tiger is the greatest golfer in history. I hope he is playing golf for a long time with healthy condition. Good luck to Tiger Woods !!!

  6. It's time, he made one last big push in 2018-2019 and capped it off by winning the tour championship and the masters, but even before his last car accident, you could start seeing the body not being able to take it anymore, constantly having to adjust his swing, not being able to go at it with driver, when he came back in 2018 he still had a solid ball speed of around 178-180 mph, but at the end of the season he hade dropped off to around 170. Tiger for all of his abilities, his short game, his putting, at the end of the day is a power player and the greatest ball striker the game has ever seen, but in order to keep that ball striking firing, you need to be able to put in x amount of hours of training a day, his body is not able to keep up with that anymore.

  7. Unfortunately time waits for no one including Tiget!@ A tribute to him and his injuries that he attempted. Unfortunately on the first hole his ball landed in a divot to begin with and the rest is history!!

  8. To anyone not paying attention. Tiger Woods has the incident when pulled over with 4 flat tires, then last year the accident in the SUV. Before all of that the man got married when the man was not ready to settle down. Sure he has his kids. They must look after their dad as much as he looks after them. Tiger Woods lived a life back then which was much different from how he was portrayed. Sadly, many people live a lie or various versions of a lie. And while doing so they give into the praise or persona that manifests itself becoming one of many alter egos that can't wait to be born. In my opinion Tiger Woods only feels comfortable in life on a golf course walking with a crowd around him. Outside of that, his children allow him to avoid falling into a dark place that he has made it back from on more than a few occasions which is a miracle. Regarding his failed marriage. The ex-wife was looking for a golf pro and she landed the most successful of them all. In addition to that she tolerated or turned her head knowing who he was and that was part of the reason she became his wife. He most likely had a manager or publicist that said the marriage and eventual kids would get him endorsed by….and that is a long list. He was born to play golf. That does not mean he chose to do so. It's not about money or fame. What happens when the crowds get smaller or the back and knee pain can't be masked by pain killers or toradol? Then what? What is his hobby? Golf like most in his position. Relationships for Tiger or anyone with his wealth or celebrity can not be genuine. The relationship with his kids stand as the only genuine thing for him outside of being the greatest to ever play a game that he calls his profession. The Tiger Woods of today is what you get when you go about life as he chose to do so while we all watched the roller coaster ride and what a ride it has been. I am not a fan of golf, I don't play the game, but I respect what it represents and again it is not about the money. In the unprecedented times we live in today we all much watch over one another. To distance ourselves from one another is like giving up on each other. That is going to leave many to end this life before it eventual end to the unknown. If you understand what I am saying, then you have been to the dark place and back. It's not easy and even harder sticking around once you return but it can only happen if you can reinvent yourself. He can only figure that out thru his children. That isn't the case with everyone. Maybe his best golf is behind him. As a fan of his greatness, I will miss it but I hope he finds the road to the next chapter in this life and avoids those roads that are best left to be never traveled. He has to find the ability to smile off the course and mean it. Many fake their smiles and tears are what follow when behind closed doors. I wish him the best along with anyone that took the time to read these words.

  9. This man changed the face of golf and made it more accessible to everyone. I loved watching him and his single minded focus rest for TIger amazing that you were able to play at all after your accident . You have given years of great golf and entertainment x

  10. Remember how good Phil Michaelson looked when Tiger wasn't golfing for a little while?

    He was an absolute beast.

    The fact that he had such a big advantage over any of his competition in clutch putting, hitting it from the rough, and recovery shots, show's he's likely the greatest ever. There is no golfer from ages prior that was that much better in so many area's as Tiger. He also likely has the best touch around the greens. My favorite aspect of Tiger is how when the golf is the toughest he knocks his Irons close from far away and doesn't even act exited. I know not acting exited isn't necessarily a tangible stat that you can measure, but when you're hitting the back 9 at Augusta (lets say) and you're hitting it over water, and there is a very small target area, and you put a 5 iron within 5 feet, and act like nothing just happened, it says something.

    Go Tiger. Wish you the best tail end of your career bud.

  11. All things aside. TW has admitted many times he will not ever an event unless he thinks he can win it. This for him was no other than a glorified publicity stunt to I’m officially done, which we have know for years….

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