You've been swinging the club WRONG your whole life and here is the EASY SOLUTION!

I know you have been swinging the club all wrong your whole life, this is what to do and what not to do with your wrists in the golf swing! PGA Golf professional Alex Elliott shows you how to take you wrists from a WEAK position to powerful position at impact! This is exactly how to add at least 15 yards to your irons & Driver!

This is the best way to create the perfect backswing and powerful impact position! I know you have been using your wrists all wrong in the backswing and at impact your whole life and this is what to do! You’ve been swinging the club WRONG your whole life and here is the EASY SOLUTION!

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  1. I've no doubt that on Wednesday you'll tell me different 😀. But…one of the (several) numbers of the combination lock for me is "left hip back to give me room". 30 years of herniated discs has got me "protecting" the hip turn. See you Wednesday for the next journey into the Rubik's Cube 🤣

  2. Short concise and to the point I’ve only been playing about 4 weeks and your videos are a massive help 👍🏻 thank you.

  3. I gained power without swinging faster but more precision too. I still need to adjust and get more consistency but it feels better every game. Decades of baseball are hard to forget

  4. As we have become accustomed to, another spot on, powerful video. Keep them coming please!

  5. Thank you! Short and sweet (spot)! Bow lead wrist and cup trailing!

  6. Alex, I play with the weak left hand position at the top of my swing. If I un-cup my hand at the top, my thumbs automatically push against the shaft ( a tendon thing, I guess) and I lose about 2 feet of backswing. The shaft goes from around horizontal to the ground to pointing just above my shoulder. If I correct the weakness in my downswing, it seems to help to propel the club head towards the ball using the same tendon mechanism. Which gives me time to build speed up in the downswing. What am I missing in order to be able to do it your way?

  7. Hi Alex great vid mate 👍
    Just a quick question why do I draw my irons but slice my driver or sometimes big low hook that goes no where? Cheers

  8. Hi Alex great, do you do the live video lessons , if so how do I get one, I'm much better but there's something wrong and I don't know what it is.

  9. Alex, I have a problem with weight shift and sequence in my swing. I tend to get too much weight/pressure into my R 🦶 too soon in the backswing and then start to transfer too much of it back to my L 🦶 WAY too soon also in the backswing. Before I even reach club parallel going back I’m at 50-60% already on my L🦶. Problem is I don’t keep it there throughout the downswing; I push Hard off of the lead 🦶 back to my R 🦶 and get 70-80% of my weight/pressure back into my R 🦶 through impact. That’s KILLING my whole swing!! How do I transfer my weight/pressure into my lead side at the right time and keep it there instead of getting there too early and then using it as a springboard to push back into my trail foot 🦶 for impact?? I think I’m called a “Reverse Weight Shifter” 🤦🏼‍♂️. 🙏🙏🙏

  10. I noticed that your swing ended much higher in the second shot than the first. While wrist position is important, so is the notion of a full swing versus a partial swing. You finished the first shot with the club at chest level and it was much higher on the second shot. I would not trust the advice completely on this one

  11. I will take this to the range this week, will let you know how it works for me, could you do something on Hirt sided shots around the green especially if there is something between ball and green, bunker or hazard, the classic flop shot type of idea?

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