Golf Babe

Live Lesson from Open Week! ZEN Golf Mechanics @ 150th British Open

Myself and Craig are here at Royal St. Andrews for the one and only British open celebrating 150 years! Whilst enjoying and soaking up the atmosphere, we got the chance to reconnect with Douglas as Cluny Activities Driving Range. Despite it only being a couple weeks since his first lesson with us and experiencing a mild injury, Douglas has done great, beat the boys (which as we know is most important!) and is swinging with less thought. We went through a few things in more depth to give him a more expansive tool kit going forward. Thanks again Douglas for letting us share your lesson experience!

Check out Cluny Activites Driving Range here:

🛒 To purchase a GRFi training system:

⛳ For lesson info/bookings:

🎵 Music used:
▶ Leave Me Alone – Elro
Listen here –

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Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.


  1. Please tell me.. at 12.52, that’s how it should be ?? That’s not so called collapsing too much ? Because I have a junior here at our club 16yrs old. He has that in his swing and trust me he carry’s it 290++++_ he should be locked up it’s so outrageously.

  2. Awesome video as always Marcus 👍 Great to see the journey Douglas is on. 

    I have never, ever, posted a negative comment on your channel until now; please do not call 'The Open' the 'British Open'! Ours is the standard that all other 'Open's' aspire to and name themselves accordingly ⛳

    I'm not at all jealous that you're up at 'The Home of Golf' 😂⭐

  3. What I’ve discovered while practicing is that I have to feel like I’m moving my weight far more forward than I think. When I do this, my strikes are compressed, solid and my speed is increased tremendously, and it all feels fast but effortless. I now love the sound and feel the club face makes with the ball. Thank you, Zen, you boys are great teachers.

  4. Another happy golfer after a visit to zen 🏌️‍♀️that range looks awesome, is that the 1 we're at tomorrow? i can't wait ⛳

  5. Are you up cluny clays driving range for lessons this week. Would love to have couple hours if available this week

  6. Amazing! I’m just about fit enough as get my GRF board out, can’t wait.
    Just heard you talking about Lundin Links.
    Never heard of it in my life and I’ve just spent the last three days there as a base for going to the open.
    Funny old world.

  7. Gents, when I’m at the range hitting off a mat, I find the mat rotates under my feet as I start the downswing (the ball moves too). Is this a swing problem or a bone dry mat on concrete problem? I’ve worked on my game a lot over the last year and this has never been an issue for me until now. Last night was especially bad with the longer clubs. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

  8. Well done Douglas. With Marcus's help you'll be taking the money off your pals. I love the content on this channel Marcus and co. You've helped me knock 4 shots off my handicap. I'll have to book another lesson to get to the next level.

  9. Douglas here after this lesson I am now finished with the slinging action in my old swing. I understand now how to put the braking systen into the backswing and go into the drop and create the lag automatically. All you need after that is the pop. As you can see I have the flail in the swing but once you see the video later you understand what marcus is telling you and it is and how easy it is to eradicate.
    I was at the zen studio at st andrews and I had a putting lesson from Nick Middleton a putting coach to the pros and zen founder. I used a piece of kit which you attach to the putter ; about to go into manufacture soon. Alternatively you could buy a zen putter; I know a pro who uses it as a training aid but also uses it to putt with, perfectly legal. Anyway nick showed me how to use the gizmo and in 2 putts ; euraka I got it. Putting is easy. The zen team are incredible . So thats my long game sorted and my putting in an incredibly short time. I have burst my gut for 50 years trying everything and they sort me out in 2 sessions and a few minutes with nick. At my age time is more important than money so if you are serious about your golf you have to get either a grf board or a lesson with the team. If you have a lesson you will buy the board so if you can get the board first buy it; you wont regret it. I am one happy golfer and you can be with zen.

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