When Golf Should Be Suspended – Golf Rules

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The player’s are struggling to get their ball to stay at rest on the putting green. What is the best practice in this situation?
Several balls being moved by the wind may be a reason to suspend play, but only one or two balls moving due to the wind on one green would not usually merit the Committee suspending play. On the putting green there are Rules in place to help players avoid getting penalties or for being advantaged if the ball is blown closer to the hole or disadvantaged if the ball is blown farther from the hole (see Rules 9.3 and 13.1).

The Committee should consider suspending play due to wind only if there are several instances of balls moving and players are having problems with replacing the ball on the spot from which it was blown, or at least reasonably close to that spot if the ball will not remain at rest on the original spot.

Therefore in this situation, play should have been suspended prior to this occuring.
Committee Procedures 6E.
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Golf Rules


  1. Rule,21e subsection fg1 clearly states; a player, whether male female ambiguous flued or other,may leave the green only when there is a clear threat from a resident orangutan or a house trained alligator, the ball may remain where it has come to rest. Clear!! What!!

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