Golf Babe

Simple change to high handicap golfers swing gives HUGE RESULTS!!!

The 15 MINUTE Golf Lesson that will TRANSFORM YOUR GOLF GAME! Transforming a HIGH HANDICAP golfers game in 15mins!!! When playing golf we always want the best equipment, the best golf clubs etc. but sometimes for high handicap golf it comes down to having the right golf lessons. So if you want to see one of the best high handicap golf lessons ever for simplicity and game changing golf tips make sure to watch this video… let’s do it… and let’s do it now!


  1. I can so relate to the warm up comment. Took me 12 holes yesterday before I hit decent shots. Round before I had a full 30 mins on range and hit 250+ 5W straight down the pipe 1st hole. Still not breaking 100 though (:

  2. It's taking longer now James. Last time you did this video Foxy's game was transformed in 11 minutes! Now it's 15 minutes to transform his game.
    Let's hope Foxy doesn't spark controversy with another transformation that means Foxy becomes a Vixen and wants to play on the LPGA. 😯

  3. Foxy has looked way better than a 25 handicap every time I see him hitting a ball
    I can see him halving that very quickly

  4. Amazing, literally just watched Danny Maude give Liam from the golfmates that very same lesson moving the right shoulder back to combat a slice and hit through the ball. It's the small things that really work.

  5. Good to see a new video with Foxy especially a live lesson and great tips for all golfers. Even good to very good golfers need to go back to basics

  6. James great video great job of showing you do not have to make a lot of changes at one time. Notice some of my faults in this video as a plus 25 senior handicap.

  7. James an idea for videos. Can you put some slow motion swings in your videos for training/learning purposes. I think it will help a lot of us see slow mo swings from different level golfers. Good swings and bad swings. And also possibly put side by side slow mo swings up as comparisons.

  8. 25 handicap???? Come on Foxy, what a bandit!! We all try to make this game too hard, just hit it really smoothly and don't try to knock the spots off the ball!👌👌🏌️🏌️

  9. James I had the very same problem with shoulder alignment and have cured it 90% by aiming my left shoulder at my intended target then aligning my feet to my shoulders…. Just a thought that may help

  10. Needs a more neutral grip. Hook left or block right. 2 way miss generally relates to grip and pressure.

  11. I just dropped from a 10.5 to 7.5 in 5 rounds by “trying to hit a draw” on every shot and it goes nearly straight! Has definitely narrowed my miss.

  12. Foxxy's set-up looks good and his follow-through looks good as well. But since first appearing on the channel, he's had a kind of "chicken wing" look where his left elbow disconnects from his body/chest on his back swing. Obviously, you don't hit the ball with your back-swing but its got to effect power and accuracy. Perhaps it has something to do with his surgery? Regardless, just my two cents…

  13. I'm a bit worried about players aiming right. Can lead sometimes to trying to pull it back online. Just something to be aware of. Checking divot lines on the course is a good way to stay on top of path. Foxy looks like sometimes he loses height during the backswing then raises up through the hitting area. James is completely different, keeps his height then has a lovely little crunch that lowers him as he starts his downswing.

  14. Foxy is really coming along. He looked fairly uncoordinated when we first seen him and he’s slowly smoothing out to a decent swing. He’s athletically built so he should get along quite nicely. Good to see the development.

  15. I looked back at video you did with Foxy about a year a go and his swing is much more upright now. He still looks a bit stiff in the arms at address and a bit stiff during the back swing. I am not being negative because I know everyone have swings that are unique to each of our body types. James you have done a great job keeping the drills simple and Foxy you have stayed very focused on making these changes. Great job too both of you. CHEERS!

  16. My course is just so tough in the Desert. If you even land 3 feet off the green on the holes your ball bounces into the desert and can’t be retrieved so you have to drop. Every single green is elevated and missing results in your ball ending up in the desert. If you don’t have to drop you’re hitting a flop shot off rocks into and elevated green that’s 5-35 feet above where you’re standing. Almost no room for error. I shoot 95-107 but on my old courses in the Midwest of the US I’m a high 80s-90s guy.

  17. I need a good pre shot routine. When I check shoulder alignment etc I generally hit a decent shot. It’s so easy for that right shoulder to creep forward creating the slice. After hitting a few decent ones I tend to relax and forget the checks.

  18. My instructor talks about "feel vs real" all the time. Any change no matter how slight feels very drastic until you get used to it.

  19. I noticed that his swing is very rigid and clunky looking but if you look at his warm up at 4:54 that swing is way better. He needs to adopt that smooth flow.

  20. Great video and lesson/tips. Next should be his distance with his feet from the ball as he appears to stretch out to strike the ball (at times). Please do more challenges with Foxy in play. Would be great to see you, Chris and Foxy play a scramble format. Foxy could get tips along the way from both of you. Keep up the fantastic streams.

  21. Enjoying his lesson……looking at his arms before he started his swing and it looks like he is choking something.

  22. Hi James.
    We’ve just played dundonald links, that we won at your birthday golf day last year. What an amazing experience. Very tough course and amazing facilities.
    We have a couple of photos of us that we’d like to send to you.

    Keep the great blogs coming 👍🏻

  23. Thanks for the video James! I have a bad habit of not always transferring my weight from time to time. Great reminder here to really get through the entire swing. Great video!

  24. Id like to see him line up every shot and not just stand over and whack load of balls

  25. Playing off 28 I really enjoy watching these lessons with Foxy. It gives me some great drills and thoughts to work on myself.

  26. James, I have the same issue with my right shoulder. In fact, in my round yesterday, I was pushing everything slightly to the right and it didn't dawn on me what the issue was. Watching your video confirmed in my own mound that the issue was definitely my right should and weight transfer. In short, videos like this are invaluable, not just for the amateur golfers, but even those that are pretty good. I'm 74 and still liking for improvement in my swing since I only started playing 7 years ago. High 70's and low 80's right now, but I'm determined to one day play my age. Thank you for the great content and Happy 4th of July from across the pond. Keep up the improvement Foxy… you're look much better than your handicap.

  27. Wow. Been playing for 9mths and have the same issues as foxy. This is the only golf lesson vid I've watched that had made an instant impact by thinking about the rear shoulder. Just got back from the course with a grin and new love of golf!

  28. To me, his weight wasn't shifting enough as you pointed out but he's also turning his hips too fast imo.

  29. By the way I tried a few of your tips when I played the other day and I improved my ball striking very much i love how simple you made it

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