Golf Babe

How to Hit a Wedge Shot 50 to 75 Yards – STROKES SHAVED ESSENTIALS

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  1. I just spent 90 mins at the range with my 56° trying to hit anywhere from 30 to 80 yds. Just messing around and I think I have a better hang of it now than I did yesterday. I just had fun playing golf as every playa should

  2. Obviously the key to a playa’s game is the bucket hat. If you don’t have one, you won’t ever play well.

  3. The other point you missed is you can also do this with different grips

    You can hit it with your hands at the top of the grip, half way down the grip or at the bottom of the grip

    Same club same swing will see different distances

    I have found hitting my 58 degree with my hands at the bottom of the grip with a normal swing goes bang on 50m

    As soon as I get the range finder out and get 50m I am knocking it pin high all day

  4. Great vid! (As always) Currently getting lessons so I can just get a consistent swing. Going to the course is a rough time atm

  5. I had a bunch of these on course yesterday. Can't wait to put this into practice.

  6. I've got my 50* wedge dialed in from 120 to chipping around the green. it takes the guess work out and has dropped my handi from 16 to 12.

  7. I must be bass-ackwards because when I started this game last year I started at the hole and worked back. Mr. Trevino instructs to ride the pony and I learnt how to ride it.
    I love my wedges [PW and 50]. My 50* works well from sand too because I am too stupid to know any better…actual quote…lol
    If only the tee box was so kind…seeing a new pro next week.
    Thank you, Matt!

  8. I hit anything 35-75 dead arm. Normally just half back half through goes about 50. I can kind of load up that same swing and fire it and it'll go 75.

  9. Matt, I dropped you an email. I control my wedge distance with speed. Not the best way by far but I am what I am – the ugliest swing on youtube you've ever seen.

  10. Easily the biggest hole in my game. Would love to see more content around this subject matty

  11. I started working on a Wedge Matrix. I have 4 wedges and I want to have the ability to use 100%, 75% and 50% for all of them. For anything inside 95yds which is how far my Lob goes, I have 3-4 different shots I can hit depending on the scenario.

    Need to hit it low? 50% Gap. Mid range? 75% SW. High? 100% Lob. Or anything in-between. I've watched myself again strokes all year once I put some time into that and I still need more time.

  12. My SW goes 100 full swing, 75% goes about 75yds, half swing goes about 50yds and so on. This is how I judge my distances too!

  13. That´s so important. With my old set I had a club for 40, 60, and 80 meter shots with 50, 75 and 100% shots. I could also work the numbers in between quite well. My new clubs go about 30 meters farther, but now I´m missing a club for that range. Guess I need to buy a new wedge for it. And start practicing those distances from scratch… . But it makes a lot of difference on the course! Good video!

  14. I have 3 stock shots with each wedge that I've practiced and gotten comfortable with. There is the "full" shot which isn't necessarily swinging as hard as I can but the comfortable full-ish wedge swing. Then a 3/4 shot where my cue is to only let my left hand go about as high as my right shoulder. Then a 1/2 shot where I try to stop my left hand around my belt height. With my 50, 54 and 60 wedges, and the same 3 swings, I get 9 stock yardages between 30 and 115 yards.

  15. I don’t hit ball far, my full 58 degree is about 65 yards, my 54 degree is about 75 yards, my 48 degree is about 90 yards, for 50 yards, I usually knockdown my 54 degree. Inside 40, I’m chipping

  16. I have a chipping matrix for 10 yard carry and 20 carry for my 54-7iron. I have it pasted to inside cover of my scorecard holder.

  17. My pre-round warm-up. Hit 10 ball’s with my 10 yard carry swing with my 54 and 48 wedge – putt into hole with wedge. Hit 1 ball to the three flags on the green from just off the green. Repeat 3 times. Putting green.. start 5 feet from hole and drop 10 balls 6-12” apart on uphill. Objective is to mark 1st 2-3 and rest to get past pin about a foot. Hole out all missed putts. Repeat downhill. If time go to another location and repeat. I manage a league on Tuesday and Thursday and have no warm-up time. My putting on those days is noticeably worse than when I have time to warm up. With that practice, I know what speed I’m going to hit ball so it helps picking line.

  18. One if the biggest differences in my game this year is inside 90 yards (my gap wedge difference). I practiced this winter on making center contact with my clubs, but worked closely with my wedges. Last year I was afraid to hit full 54 wedges into green and did not carry 58 degree. This year I’m confident to hit both clubs. My par 5 scoring average has gone down because last year I trying to layup to 100 yards, now I can get it as close to the green as possible knowing I’m going to most likely have a par and a good chance at a birdie.

  19. the 50-85 yard shot use to be my nemesis now I welcome i and or i try to position myself in par 5s to get to 40 to -110 yards. I find myself scoring better than going for green in 2 on par5s

  20. You are 100% correct, most of your strokes are with putter and wedge, yet we hardly practice them

  21. I used to hate 60 degree wedges back when I was younger. Now I trust mine 100% to go 75 yards and a slightly slower swing choked up it goes 60 yards. It’s nice to not dredd those shots anymore

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