Rules of Golf Explained: Do you get free relief from an animal hole?

In this Rules of Golf Explained series in association with TaylorMade, NCG’s Steve Carroll is joined by former European Tour chief referee John Paramor to discuss various situations in which you might find yourself on the golf course and how you deal with them within the boundaries of the game’s laws.

In this episode, Steve has hit his golf ball into what he is pretty sure is an animal hole. So is he entitled to relief? John is on hand to explain as well as reminisce about a famous incident involving Seve Ballesteros.

With special thanks to:

TaylorMade ➡
Sunningdale Heath Golf Club ➡

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  1. When John says you'd have to play it if the ball was behind the tree…..

    Would I be able to get relief from the hole if I stated my intention to play sideways and back out? So I wouldn't be getting relief to still playing forwards.

  2. NCG – love the content, but please get some better microphones; only channel on YouTube I have to turn volume up so high!

  3. It may have been beneficial to have shown briefly where the nearest (not nicest) point of relief would have been. Unless of course you are covering this in a later video.

  4. That is so fascinating. Indeed, thank to John for providing valuable info. That flashback was awesome too, putting into context now and "then". Well done and thank you.

  5. That lad has some snot on him, this ruling is doubtful and the poor animal whose hole the ball disappeared into probably needs some TLC,Sore thing that !!

  6. Good video BUT surely if the ball was on the other side on the tree then it is reasonable to assume that you could play left handed and use any part of the club – so relief should also be given!

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