Golf Babe

HONEST LIV Golf opinion & HUGE announcement! (EP135)

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  1. The broadcast of LIV golf was far superior to broadcast of PGA events. No more pharmacy commercials, no auto ads. That alone is enough for me to watch.

  2. Lol at this point I agree with muslims more than I agree with secular western people. All of you talking about "Saudi human rights abuses" are fine with abortion and homosexuality. Absolute insanity, what the west has become

  3. Thanks for great discussion. No question the Saudis are a flawed society (as are China, Iran, etc that do international business). But, the US government does business with Saudi (#1 military weapon market), as does GM, Microsoft, Nike, the golf equipment companies, Amazon and the title sponsor of the PGA tour – Fed Ex. Anybody that drives a car, heats their home w oil, drives a fancy car (PGA players), flys especially if 1st class or private jet (again PGA players) are doing business w the Saudis. The PGA tour and the U.S.A. golf channel are partners and of course they LIV tour is at least some threat to them so they have a conflict of interest. There is a lot of hypocrisy going on. I think the players, PGA tour, and Golf Channel commentators should keep their mouths shut and just focus on making their product as good as possible.

  4. I started watching you as just a golf coach to improve my game. You became a distraction to while away the time. You morphed into and through entertainment, news and opinion. During Break 75 you became the friend I cheered on. A new facet of our relationshiop started evolving during the Covid lockdown as you talked about mental health, did some charity work, etc. Respect. I wish I were in Scotland to cheer you on for the prostate cancer walk. Go for it, my friend.

  5. Im a Newcastle United fan and what you said about events like this and Newcastle takeover has actually put Saudi Arabia in the spotlight. Sportswashing is Brand name that has been banded about by journalists but it's not real. Saudi Arabia are now in the spotlight for people who previously had no idea of what goes on there.

  6. Ric You have to admit LIV golf tore up the PGA – wasn't it nice to have the full force of the Tournament in play at the same time, no mindless segments and other mindless crap that does not have anything to do with the tournament. Then you are not waiting 3 hours for the leaders to tee off so no gaps in play!

  7. I'm against LIV golf. I don't like what it stands for, I don't like that they are shelling out money for big names (old school appearance money) and I don't like you can shoot +24 and get $120,000. The PGA Tour, DP World Tour and other Tours around the world have no way of competing with oil money thrown around by Saudi Sheiks or Companies just so they can have their own play thing. It's 100% about the money and nothing else.

    As for the "future" of golf I don't get it. The whole Team format is ridicules and like the boys said just seems like an after thought. I'm not sure we will see things like Team TaylorMade, Team Ping or Team USA etc as I don't think they will want to be associated with the Saudi backers. The coverage was nothing special, the quality of golf was lacking and the fake anticipation created by slowly releasing player names was a joke. Being backed by billions of dollars and not sponsorships, advertising and selling a product doesn't a Tour make. The players that signed contracts should be ashamed, they have sold their credibility and morals for a huge payday and in my mind should be banned from all Majors.

    I was a fan of Bryson but am not now. I believe that the players on any Tour should receive a percentage of the profit their skills produce and I think that holds fairly true on the PGA and DP Tours. If it doesn't then it should be addressed. Being owned by some Sheik so they can say they own a golf tour just makes them pawns and assets.

  8. If the boys at the PGA Tour have a brain in their head, they are watching this podcast and taking note of the thoughtful discussion. And if the lads at LIV are smart, they're watching too. I'd like to see the old dinosaurs in the game who make the decisions, start listening to the younger crowd. I'm all for tradition, but the Saudis have decided they want to be involved in golf, and so they are now involved in golf. There is no F*ck You money in existence like Saudi money – they're not going anywhere. And for those who say this is about sports washing – the Saudis more or less funded the 9/11 operation, and 15 of those hijackers were Saudis. The 9/11 Commission turned a blind eye to it for political/oil reasons. Think on that and ask yourself if a country that has the power to get away with that, gives two craps about sports washing. This LIV golf is an amusing little plaything for them. They could throw $10 billion a year at this for the next decade and not even blink.

  9. I find it amazing that these golfers who are all self employed have been attacked for taking large sums of money whilst the American Govt, the UK Govt and their Corporate 'chums' have been selling weapons to the Saudis to the tune of $$ Billions and have also defended their actions aggressively when questioned. The hypocrisy is simply staggering.

  10. I call 100% BS on the issue of where the money comes from. Nike literally employs child labor, and they aren't the only ones. Don't give me your pissing and moaning about "where the money comes from" line.

  11. Why the hell where the money is coming from would suddenly be an issue? Isn’t the PGA having events in China ? Please don’t start with that, wére talking about sports here, not f##ing politics! 😉

  12. Considering where the PGA gets their money I think the fact that people are pointing fingers at the Saudi culture is pretty hypocritical.

  13. Why can’t Liv golf and the PGA live side by side and all work together to continue the interest in golf which will hopefully bring more younger players into the game and grow the game globally.

  14. I know everyone keeps saying oh leaving the human rights issues aside or out of it… But I personally can't just move past that like it isn't a problem I won't view anything LIV knowing about that I can't overlook it.

  15. What they had at this touney was exactly the same thing we have in the states with our school systems awarding participation prizes. It doesn't matter how good or bad you do you get a prize which taken significantly away from the value of the event.

  16. Great set. Nicely designed. Great tone and pase of the chats. All ya need. Brilliant. Congrats.

  17. The idea of liv golf is fine in itself just seems like all the people jumping boat and going over are selling out there names. Is anyone going to care 10 years down the road if someone wins a boat load of liv tournaments? They certainly won’t be remembered the way people like tiger and Rory will be. Either way just have to see how it shakes out

  18. The issue of the "Saudi" money is nothing but a smokescreen…you show me any of the corporate sponsors behind any of the PGA events and I'll find you some behavior that would be considered inappropriate, illegal and/or immoral. This holier than thou attitude from the PGA and their shills in the media is laughable.

  19. PGA events have WAY too many TV commercial interruptions. It makes it unwatchable to me. Masters has few interruptions, and it is incredible viewing.

  20. There is NOT a lot of reasons of why 'LIV' is seriously disgusting – There is only 1 important reason – SAUDI BLOOD MONEY being doled out in wheelbarrows to millionaire, mostly older, professional golfers. Get real.

  21. Greed, no wonder it is a deadly sin! we are losing our way as humans,surely there has to be a moral and ethical line one draws in the sand?

  22. The way rory has talked out against liv I wonder if they would want him if it comes to a point of liv having the best players

  23. Rick, how about leveraging your subscriber power and setting up a crowd funded fund to support talented tour pros so that they can pursue their goal by playing only ethical events? 10 percent of your 2.2 million subscribers would probably put 2 tour pros through a year of tournaments. #Payitforward

  24. They are giving the LIV event the benefit of the doubt, fair enough. I thought the format and the shotgun start just didn’t work. I agree with Rick the money doesn’t effect the watcher. But it has to create some level of excitement which this event just didn’t do.

  25. The shotgun start will prove to be huge for LIV golf. The average fan can’t sit and watch a tournament for six hours or more in a day. Even if it’s a major and they really want to! Life often steps in, as it tends to do, and we’re pulled away to do something else. That being said, if a tournament round on the LIV tour only takes as long as a football game, most of us are able to tune in to the full program, and become more invested as a result. I personally love what LIV golf is doing. I think it’s good for the game. I think it will ultimately force the pga to make some changes that will make life better for their golfers too. That’s just my perspective. Cheers friends 🍻 and may your next round be your best round ⛳️ 🏌️‍♂️

  26. I loved it. I saw more golf shots than ever in a PGA event. The PGA basically shows the Tiger (understandable) Irish BOY, JT and a few other others then the leaders. Other than that good luck seeing other guys on TV at a PGA event. I love Jon Rahms comment he didn't judge like Mr PGA (Irish BOY) he gave his opinion for he and his family. Pariety is healthy. The PGA wouldn't be so concerned if it wasn't a threat. Punishing players (indepentant contractors). Salty about Rory obviously for being a judgmental PGA kiss ass.

  27. At the 46:00 mark in discussing the Monahan – Nantz interview: I was also waiting for a concise answer as to why guys can't do both. What contractual rule are these guys violating? Guys have gotten waivers to play other events in the past, why not this one or others? Thought Monahan could have done a much better job. If there is a contract between PGA Tour and these independent contractors, and these players are violating their contracts – tell us that. That they haven't said that leads me to think that they are not violating their agreements.

  28. Who wants to watch a load of has beens and never weres though? The Saudi backing is one thing, and the PGA isn't totally innocent, looking at some of their event sponsors – who is dying to watch a bunch of overpaid nobodies shoot way over par?

  29. If the team names in LIV are shite (they are), Patrick Reed as a soon to be "captain", how about Team Cheat or Sir Brush-a-lot?

  30. Last one, many people may may ignore where the money comes from given a great product. I won't. I didnt watch any of it, won't watch any of it. At the point of not buying any brand that sponsors them. I am retired UPS, ashamed of Lee and Louis.

  31. Andy Ogletree is a fine player. He's been dealing with injuries. Those 120k will go a long ways toward financing his dream of being a tour player. Maybe another year or two.

  32. Funny where the money for the liv tour is a controversial topic, but not where all your Nike gear comes from.

  33. There are plenty of organizations out there that champion human rights that these pro golfers can donate some of their new found wealth

  34. G'day Rick, totally respect your opinion and appreciate everything you've done for golf and the people in which all of your work extends too ($100k to charity? Absolutely unreal!).

    But c'mon man. This LIV thing is about so much more than just the tournament. It's all about the money. You danced around the sports washing claims but at the end of the day you are just sitting on the fence.

    Your voice and reach is huge. I'd love to see you take some time, do some research (No Laying Up and The Fried Egg has some great pods on this) and then come back to us with where you stand.

  35. We just got back from London. Once the people found out we were Americans, we were treated terribly. Me, my wife, and my two teenage daughters (all golfers). We were actually refused service in a couple of places. We went to a cool little place to order some fish and chips, she told us the kitchen was closed and they weren't taking orders, then we watched the girl take 4 more orders after us. I said, "hey, I thought the kitchen was closed? I told my daughter that England was the home of Fish and Chips, she loves it, so she couldn't wait." She said, "kitchen is closed…for you". I was like wow. The people in Liverpool were pretty cool though. What a beautiful country. Hopefully your trip to New York was better.

  36. We'll know LIV wants to stop losing money when they either sell TV rights or introduce ad breaks on YouTube.

  37. LIV is total BS.
    Andy Ogletree failed to break 75 and made $120K -his Official World Golf Ranking is 1,404 WHAT A JOKE!!
    Nothing to see here …

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