7 Iron Will Now Carry EXTRA 15 YARDS! High Power Low Effort!

Your 7 iron will now carry extra 15 YARDS! we all want high power and low effort irons. Hitting your irons LONGEr will mean hitting more shorter irons and therefore hit way more egreens leading to lower scores. Hit PURE 7 irons with a ball then turf strike that will carry an extra 15 yards. How power low effort irons with the perfect ball first contact.

PGA Golf Professional Alex Elliott shows you how your 7 Iron Will Now Carry EXTRA 15 YARDS! High Power Low Effort! Try this right now and start striking your irons so much better.

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  1. Welcome to my world. This feeling of the strong club face at last parallel is SO fragile. Stableford comp yesterday…out in 11, back in 20. Today, Pairs knockout…front 9 really good, back 9…my dog could have hit the ball better. I keep trying. God loves a tryer…

  2. Classic drill. Been doing this for over 3 years now. It does work. I've also found another secret to getting that strike with a strong grip to target and a slightly closed face. Push the hands forward for spine tilt. I'm Hitting my 7 iron between 170 to 180. Fade and draw. Gotnit nailed finally. Keep up the great videos Alex.

  3. Your 7 iron looks just like my "8" iron. 🤪. When you stopped it parallel you had an "8" . Want me to caddy for you. 🍻🏌‍♂️

  4. I am hooked on your videos and take 15 minutes per night to work on back swing and hand position. I see and feel a difference after 2 weeks of these nightly practices. I must have missed something in this video, you kept saying 7 iron but in the video the bottom of your club has an 8 on it?

  5. Great lesson/tip, opening or clearing your hips through impact is the ideal, mobility and flexibility around the hips would be key to this I guess. Can players with limited flexibility achieve this with the same success?

  6. Alex I always appreciate your tips. I have a practice net in my back yard. I'll play and pause you whilst I practice.
    This video focused on the 7 iron was great,But you where hitting an 8 lol.

  7. Great video Alex…i will have to work on that swing…but i to do have 1 ?, did you use/hit a 7I or and 8I because in your video you have an 8I in your hand, had to rewind the video 3 times just to be sure i was seeing it correctly. you even said "here we go all right, 7 iron away"……just wondering…..

  8. One thing I do is to make a forward press before I make a backswing. Then I take the club back rather quickly without swaying while keeping the feet favoring my front foot. This tends to give me the best swing speed while striking the ball with the handle leading the clubhead.

  9. Enjoy the videos Alex. One thing I’ve been struggling with is on video I can see I am moving my head towards the ball on backswing which results in a lot of heel shots. I had been compensating for the head movement with a super inside swing path. When I focus on keeping my head still and a normal swing path I can’t seem to get enough hip rotation and strike the ball with an open face. Cheers

  10. This may be about the toughest part for me… I tend to correct the club face about 1 foot before impact.. If I try to fix it earlier, I tend to hit big hooks.

  11. Great drill, but what I found funny, is you are talking about hitting the 7-iron, yet, you have the 8-iron in your hand. LOL! Again, great drill, appreciate all that you do for us!

  12. Add 15 yards by swapping your 8 iron for a 7 iron by the looks of this video

  13. Add 15 yards by swapping your 8 iron for a 7 iron by the looks of this video

  14. Thanx Alex I'm struggling with driver going right, this has gave me something to think about

  15. Love the videos u provide the drill help massively. I don't know if anyone else noticed but it was a 7 iron drill and you was using an 8 iron. Lol. I am guessing it's the same method with all irons just made me chuckle. Keep the vids coming. 👍

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