You don’t need to use the cart strap if you use the bags Velcro straps they are the greatest invention on a cart bag ever. I’ve had at least 7 in the past years love them. My only complaint (are you listening Sun Mnt) the rubber nubbies on the putter well when they get old and break down the get like greasy. Change to something different that doesn’t breakdown due to ultraviolet.
Cooler pocket is left lower, has two drain holes as well for water/ice to dry out
Have you had any issues with it falling over when standing on the grass/ground?
The problem with this bag and some others; is the irons hit against metal woods shafts when used with a push-cart.
Ogio for me.
My C130 will not stand on its own, a pain.
How does it look in a push cart? I want to buy one from Costco and I'm wondering if it fits properly. Thanks in advance.
Nice iron covers
I liked your reply about only using iron head covers off the course, that’s a good idea!
You don’t need to use the cart strap if you use the bags Velcro straps they are the greatest invention on a cart bag ever. I’ve had at least 7 in the past years love them. My only complaint (are you listening Sun Mnt) the rubber nubbies on the putter well when they get old and break down the get like greasy. Change to something different that doesn’t breakdown due to ultraviolet.
i have this bag and im thinkin of goin to the c130s just more versatility
would jumbo grips come out ?