Golf Babe

LIV Golf Press Conference #1: Dustin Johnson, Louis Oosthuizen, Graeme McDowell, TK Chantananuwat

4 Players in the field for the first LIV Golf event in London held a press conference just days before the event- Dustin Johnson, Louis Oosthuizen, Graeme McDowell, TK Ratchanon Chantananuwat


  1. People who comment about greed and hypocrisy- how about shining that light on lebron who is probably the biggest hypocrite of all in sports!

  2. What LIV golf team names mean.

    Cleeks. Japanese for lateral water hazard
    Niblicks. They all wear Aussie golf shoes.
    Punch. What the PGA Tour would like to do to all these players.
    Majesticks. They all play with Chinese knock off Maruman golf clubs.
    Hi Flyers. They smoke joints like John Daly smokes cigarettes.
    Fireballs. Sponsored by Lotrimin
    Smash. Tiger was supposed to captain this team.
    Iron Heads. The German team.
    4 Aces. Will include Pat Reed as a fifth player so they will always have an ace up their sleeve.
    Crushers.They will use a yet to be released $100 golf ball by Acushnet known in house as " the area 51" . Developed from an alien metal discovered by engineers at a secret location in the Nevada desert. It has been rumoured that Bryson has penetrated the armour of an M1 Abrams tank at a distance of 500mtrs but insisted he did not get it off the screws.

  3. Alight let’s just get it out, it’s all about the money and everyone is in on it. Today’s society somehow take a stand when it decides which is what PGA does in this case, definitely not the same stands for China and other countries which has very similar situation. Let’s also not forget our country’s oil/gas supplies are largely from the same countries, it’s funny how not many checking the origin on that before they gassed up, everyone is shopping for the lowest price instead. Someone also mentioned would any of the press personnel who is being harsh on the players, will they be opposed to working for the company which funding by the so call questionable countries or they rather not be working? I’m just saying player has the rights to decide what to do for themselves and what’s the best for their family. Just a reminder I also don’t see much of ppl stop buying things even parts that’s made in China for that matter…….

  4. I heard on par 3s they do the public execution with price of admission. Idk if they hang or behead you'll have to wait and see!

  5. Korean TV broadcasting it, yes!!
    Koreans: " Wait.. Americans are calling Saudi money blood money?? Americans are?!!" Smh

  6. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, TALKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. The more the PGA throw toys out the pram the more I like LIV golf . Keep it up PGA you going the right way to destroying your tour . Like in all sports ultimately the players hold the power as they are the stars

  8. C'mon guys… whose Country is NOT guilty of human rights? the history tells us differently?, thus the violations before is different from today? better not to mix the sports with politics. let us just play golf will you? Foree!!!

  9. I don’t understand why these reporters keep worrying about the players pockets …. They are playing for the same reason they are their asking dumb questions for a living and of course legacy and competition. Questioning their patriotism and harassing them for wanting something new that WILL help a lot of younger players in the future that in all reality we all know wouldn’t get a chance in the pga and are literally struggling to make good if any money. It’s just hard pill to swallow when you don’t have control over ppl anymore is all I see . Everyone has right and the ability to exercise them.

  10. These players should feel the backlash and all the negative press they get shall be well deserved….ESPN and FOX shouldn't even air these events or even show the highlights…much less even talk about it….

  11. Yea you know I'm really excited to not have to win and still get a few hundred million and be able to retire in a year when the liv tour goes belly up

  12. Golf subsidized by Saudi Government big oil. The league will not survive on it's own merits. Good luck.

  13. Where Past meets Present
    Where Palmer Nicklaus & Woods are
    That is where Golf Legends can be witnessed & measured

  14. So lame, money is the draw..they keep saying, what's best for my family,, lmao.. your children don't care which tour you play for. And if you think we believe those words, then maybe you should be on a tour that's destined to flop quickly. Everytime Saudi is involved they always throw huge piles of money at there targets.. oops did I say targets…lol..BYE guys

  15. I feel that golf has needed changes. Every year we watch the same courses, same announcers, same golfers. Not a lot of excitement each week. Major tournaments are definitely an exception. After these pros traveled to so many of the same courses for so many years they must be getting tired of it. Plus they are under paid professional athletes.

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