Golf Babe

23 Handicap Golf Course Vlog | Every Shot | Green Knoll Golf Course

High handicap golf course vlog showing you every shot taken on Green Knoll Golf Course… again. Almost had a meltdown. In this video, I’ll be sharing with you every shot I took, and it was a lot of them!


  1. Glad you’re still going. I shot my best score of 83 at my home course, couldn’t believe it lol.

  2. Here’s a good video on playing from the rough.

    As to handling a blow-up hole mentally., I try to tell myself there’s nothing I can do about it after the fact, and to just move on and try to have some good holes.

  3. Even with those 'bigger' scores you're still playing in the ball park of your handicap so you just have to continue to play the ball in front of you. And, that's the thing I'd be more mindful of – if you hit a bad one, you can't have it back, you can only do better with the next one, so worrying or getting angry about it is only going to cause you more anguish and for longer. If I were you I'd play with the mindset of once you've hit it off the tee, you're there for nothing, as whilst your aim is ultimately to get Par or better, your handicap suggests a bogey is actually a Par… (Playing this way suddenly makes the holes seem a heck of a lot shorter too 😉)

  4. I'm quite bad at recovering from a blow-up hole. I certainly let it affect me and my game negatively which is something I need to work on. I liked your mentality that you described towards the end, remembering we're supposed to be having fun on the course. Good stuff 🤙

  5. Just play one hole at a time my friend. Those blow up holes happen to us high handicapers. The great thing about recording your round is that you learn so much about where you can improve, and where you have some strengths. You clearly emphasized your strengths and weaknesses the end of your round by noticing your pitches were pretty on point, and that keeping the ball in play was a struggle at times. If that driver is causing you fits, and only working for you 1 out of 5 swings then keep going with the club that you know will keep you in play even if it isn't very long.

  6. Hey Danny. Glad to see you back out there. I look forward to your videos. When I hit into thick rough, which I often do, I take the most lofted club that will get me back out on the fairway. It helps me not shoot that super high score on that hole. Keep them coming!

  7. I always tell myself after a poor shot or blow up hole, that my next shot or hole could be the best shot/hole of my life. Forget the past, it doesn't matter. Maybe give the driver a rest for a while and take a 3 wd or 3 hybrid off the tee? It's not a bad way to develop confidence and hit more fairways. Keep up the great work! 🦘⛳️🦘

  8. Danny I'm 68 years old, been playing golf most of my life, In my younger days I was scratch golf, when I'm having the round from Hell and my brain isn't working, here's what I do,,, I take 5 to 6 more practice swings before I try and contact the ball. also I might club up and swing slower until I get back control. I'm now trying to break 70's I'mat 75 77, I feel I can shoot 69 soon,,,,, I have moved up to the Blue tees the tip are to long now days.. your swing still looks really good, just TRUST that swing you have.

  9. I really liked how you played #10 you chose wisely with club selection and played within your abilities well.

  10. I’m a 19. My first rule in the deep rough is to get out of it. Take a pitching wedge and get back in the fairway. What is better? 1/100 shot that lands near the green or reaching in +1 8 times out of 10.

    Also it looks like your stance grip and preshot routine vary quite a bit through the round. Watch a scratch golfer play and don’t worry about how they hit it, but pay attention to their process. They are like robots. It is that consistency of approaching the game that removes the chaos and let’s them fine tune their skills.

  11. Watching this has made me feel really good about my ball striking and overall game, thank you for boosting my belief in my game and I wish you the best of luck with yours. 👌🏽

  12. Your wedge game is pretty solid! Your putting game seems decent as well. You also hit the ball a long ways imo. If I could hit a 250 yard drive I'd easily be a mid single digit handicap. I'm 11 handicap atm but the longest I hit a driver is 220 tops. Odd because I play my 4 iron at 190+-. 7 iron at 150. My putt game needs love lol. Actually I just need to take putting more seriously. I shot a 80 recently but had 36 putts lol.
    Just relax on those drives and you're golden man. Don't over think it. My natural slice is under control 90% of the time do to simply using a stronger grip on my drives.

  13. Luv that you are totally honest and enjoying golf bruh! All you need is three cans of brewskis and guarantee your game gona kickass 😜

  14. This guy shot a 9 on the first hole, i immediately subscribed because i can relate. My handicap is a 25-29.. I've never broken 100 😪

  15. This is the most realistic channel ever
    This is what average golf really looks like
    Thank you for your insight, it reminded me of my duffing days (I since gave up the game)

  16. takes a lot of courage to post this in the internet. i commend you. keep at it, its a beautiful game. find a local coach that you can see and you'll improve quickly!

  17. 25 handicap here. My first hole is always terrible. I think its completely mental and i always have a hard time recovering from it.

  18. So funny about your blow up hole to start. I had the exact thing happen to me but I stayed positive. I ended up shooting one of my best rounds.

    You simply cannot get down on yourself.

    It’s one hole, so much more golf to play.

  19. I love this vlog. Danny is honest with his shots and results. There were at least 6 occasions where Danny admits making a strategy or tactical error.

    Remove those and that’s 6-8 strokes at least. Out of the rough, use a wedge. You will be short but out.

  20. Hey Danny, thanks for posting this. Much respect to you for showing “real golf”. Many of us will relate to this. The few worldie shots keep us coming back for more which is the great thing about this game. I would be really interested to hear how far you hit some of the drives & long irons but I get that you have enough going on during the round. Keep up the great work.

  21. I think the fastest way to improve your game is to work on your alignment and stance
    Consistency is impossible when your position is different every time
    (I know, it's difficult. I was not successful in this area despite my efforts)

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