Never go LEFT ever AGAIN || 5 Tips for a Neutral Ball Flight

Never go LEFT ever AGAIN || 5 Tips for a Neutral Ball Flight

In this video, Adam teaches Jaden how to have a neutral golf swing in order to never go left ever again. Having a neutral ball will help you rid of the double cross and to increase your accuracy. Adam goes over 5 Tips during the set up, backswing and downswing in order to achieve the flight you want. These 5 Tips for a neutral ball flight will help you never go left ever again!!

Teaching Points:
1) Left Arm Dominant
2) Neutral Grip and Set Up
3) Proper Down Swing Thoughts
4) Stable Head
5 ) Turing Around your spine

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  1. This cameraman needs to tune in and zoom in on the grip during 6:30. How are we to see the grip reference check when the cameraman stands 12 feet away.

  2. Will look out for j on the tour in the near future ,great video as usual will try it at the course tomorrow,from New Zealand

  3. Another excellent posting and demonstration from Adam , unlike most other golf instructors Adam can demonstrate perfectly what he is advocating.

  4. Great content as always.
    Nice to see the younger group of golfers have executed the club twirl to perfection 😅

  5. I'm korean Wow you great coaching
    Please translate it into Korean, so more than 200,000 subscribers

  6. A fantastic swing for sure; but for this young man I think the fewer instructions the better.

    Thinking of shaking hands/ holding the tray for the backswing and then skipping the rock with our trail side as we pull down with our lead arm is impossible to think about. These actions combining these mix actions of involving a conscious push or a pull our brain can only conceive of a pushing or a pulling of something; but, never the two together as both together actually equal the same. Cheers

  7. Your page showed up in my feed with a wedge lesson. Liked everything you were teaching as I have been working on similar mechanics with more rotation and less arm and hand action. However, this video did it for me with the hammer and nail drill because it brought back a remembrance how I use to release the club. I took it to the range session before my round yesterday and worked on it and it took the severe left miss out from an early release and I picked up some significant distance with no additional effort from feeling like I was supinating the left knuckles down as well and hitting on top of the ball. Your video is the best I found on rotation, keeping the arms in front of the body, the hammer and nail release, and the left hip rotating left and back. I have been dealing with the two-way miss because of getting stuck and flipping. I noticed the harder I go at it with the longer clubs the straighter the ball flies. Not so with wedges as a 75% shot seems to go just as far with better trajectory as the high loopy full swing. Good stuff!

  8. HI, just stumbles on to your channel,, love the technical detail you build for a foundational swing and how it works in it's simplicity.
    I'm no longer flexible, nimble nor young
    ( 63yrs,, 8 hc,, aiming to go scratch)
    but i am building a swing with the key points you highlight,,
    from my swing that draws a lot due to a baseball grip
    (left hand nerve damage forces me to use it,,and always right hand dominate.),
    the grip will not change but
    I'm trying to retrain my left hand/arm to keep the swing solid.
    and issues with the back swing,
    but there is progress,
    thanks for your insight.

  9. ……"here's the thing"…… absolute pleasure watching these videos. Just when you think you've seen it all, you come across this……keep em coming……thanks

  10. Great video. I tried the hammer drill and really hit the ball solid. It helped me hold wrist angles and not early release. I have a slightly closed face in the backswing. You referenced avoiding a closed face. What issues in the swing will a closed face cause? Thanks.

  11. Thanks for the great videos! Hammering the nail is a great feeling. Struggling to hit a draw with it though as my club face stays somewhat open. Oh and this kid has great talent!

  12. They are top top videos. I went from 25 to 18 in a couple months from what I can only put down to watches these videos and implementing the feels from the explanations. Couldn’t recommend enough. Keep them coming.

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