Golf Babe

Paige Pierce Highlgihts | 2022 OTB Open

Watch all Paige Pierce Highlights from her performance and the 2022 OTB Open!

Even on her “off” weeks, she’s still a champion

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  1. don't doubt the fierce Pierce passion! Nat Ryan is a warrior who spits out the taste of second place. more, please!

  2. DGPT I don’t know if you even care but I won’t be watching any coverage that has Elaine commentating. I can’t think of any other sport that would allow a commentator to keep their position after they were caught interfering with tournament play and speaking directly to the athletes or their caddies during a competition. It’s especially a bad look for the sport considering one of the athletes involved happens to be a personal friend of hers and happened to be in second place when it happened. I don’t care what her intentions were. She should be disqualified from commentating. She’s not even good at it anyway. Please replace her with someone better that hasn’t interfered with tournament play from the booth. No other sport would ever allow that. There are plenty of other people that can commentate. Why would you bring her back after what she did?

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