Golf Babe

IN THE BAG with Chantel Budinsky | 2021 Disc Golf Season | MISS FRISBEES

Welcome to my end of the year ‘In The Bag’ video! It’s been a wild year and I’ve made some big changes to my disc line up. Losing discs, playing in different humidities and getting stronger have all forced me to adapt and grow.. that means trying new discs! If you have any recommendations on discs I should try, let me know! Thank you for all the support!

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  1. Crazy that your beat in JB Zone has a lot of fade…I thought they were known for beating in and being dead straight.

  2. Good luck in the quest of finding the right discs fOaR yur bag. (^_^)
    Here's a tip you and Chris will find and use when you buy a disc that totally flies different than the advertised "numbers"-

    Usually it'll be a meathook. Usual cause is that it came out of the mold machine and cooled improperly fast which tightens/shrinks the flight plate. Like a drum, the tension pulls everything inwards and therefore lifts the outer rim edge changing/increasing the angle of attack it parts the air. (Certain manufacturers do this a lot mOaR than others….)

    The fix is rather easy. If you throw it and it's a meathook, pick it up and give the disc to Chris and have him bend the disc DOWN all around the edges a few times with his MAN-HANDS. Throw it again.

    Lather-rinse-repeat until it flies true to the numbers on it.

    (If it's too flippy/understable then be sure to tell Chris to bend it the Other way-UP.)
    You'll soon have a bag where every disc flies the way they're s'posed to regardless of disc manufacturer. (^_^)/

  3. So many big girl discs 😱 The Sol is so underrated, and the Sol / Zone combo is 💰 I’ve definitely been thinking about trying a Thrasher

  4. In my experience Prodigy P Model S is a Judge with more glide. BaseGrip is a nice and grippy.

    Another surprising hit for me was the MVP Nomad and it also shares many attributes of the Judge.

    Think both have a slightly smaller bead than the Judge.

  5. Zone, Judge, and Sol combo is all you need to attack any short course! Also prime burst is the superior Judge plastic for sure!

  6. Get a soft nomad I've used prime judge for a year and just switched to soft Nomads and I lovem they are identical to the judge except a little more glide

  7. Discovered the Rift this season as well… loving it! I pair it up with a Roc3 to cover my mid shots, using putters for turnovers.

  8. Rift better than a Buzzzzz, oh no you didn't!!! Judge better than a MD3? Oh man, I don't know… this is so hard to watch

  9. If you like the Judge and haven’t tried one , I’d go with a Innova JK Aviar. They are almost the same mold with a bead and I love them. Not too hard and very grippy.

  10. I love my Sol! Such a great disc!! Happy new year to you and Chris! Can’t wait to see what awesomeness 2022 has in store for you! 🥳🥂🥏

  11. Classic blend emac Judge is where it’s at for me. Just gotta make sure the disc and your hands are dry when it’s humid outside cuz it can get a little sticky.

  12. Yes, the rangefinder is a game changer. I have had a disc in my hand, then checked the distance and switched to another disc many times. You will love it!

  13. Classic blend is one of DDs putting plastics. Great combo of grippiness, softness, and durability.

  14. Innova's understable disc are extremely inconsistent with is why for understable disc I go with other brands

  15. Nice bag!… I love a wraith that I had for a decade. Yes a decade. It was so… perfect. Would hold any line. Just point and shoot. Its been a year and I'm still broken hearted.

    Those graces are MONEY. I bag 2 of them now. And I have a 157 ricky destroyer that bombs. Love enigmas too, some are extremely stable, some not so much. I prefer the ones that are not so stable

  16. I had the same problem with the judge I switched to the emac judge absolutely love it for putting you should give it a try

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