Easiest Way to BREAK 100 – Irons Only. STOP AND THINK

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How to break 120 in golf is easy and stress free but how to break 100 in golf you don’t need a special book or course. You just need common sense playas.

Some people may even ask me, how to break 100 in 6 weeks? Let me tell you it’s easy.

1. Dont add up your score as you go, just count the strokes put it in the card, add it all up after 18 holes.
2. Hit the safest club off the tee to keep you in play.
3. Add 2 stokes to the par of each hole with index 1 to 9. Add 1 stroke to the par of each hole index 10-18.
4. Your new Green in regulation changes unlike a pro green in regulation.
5. Take into account the roll out of your chips. Do not land the ball AT THE HOLE. It will roll out so plan for that and chip short to run up.
6. Practice your putting – you can probably cut 6 strokes alone from NOT three putting. You don’t three putt if you practice diligently.
7. Stop getting angry because you dont play like a pro. This is a delusion. If you advance the ball toward the hole, it is a positive.

Relax and you will get better.

How to break 100 in golf youtube is my middle name.
Some people want 5 golf tips to break 100 but that will never work. You need the full view of 18 holes like we do here at Golf Sidekick like a baus. Break 100 meaning? Score less then 99.

What is break 100 in golf? Scoring 99 strokes or less.
How to become a better golfer in 30 days? Rotella books. Hitting the practice green for chipping and putting. That is all you need.

How long does it take to break 100? Between 6 months to 2 years after beginning the game.



  1. Was easy
    I stopped hitting shots thinking I was Tiger Woods
    And that stopped me from going in the woods LoL

  2. Learned to take a big scheisse before the round not in the halfway hut. Then shaved in an immaculate J-Bone beard and I became one with the course. Aside from that it was taking an iron off the tee and improving my short game.

  3. Man Mr Bausky you are so good to have people to stay in their possibilities at that moment and work with. Very cool. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

  4. Broke 100 recently. I watched one of your lessons where you received the advice of keeping your head much more still. I had never thought about doing that. It smoothed out my tempo and striking consistency. Less head > more head = good for my head.

  5. What has helped me consistently break 100 several times in succession now besides Tigger’s Bridgestone ball is ‘the way of the playa’. Some Dalai Lama Baus youtuber has taught me how I am to play the course and not let the course play me. Every night before I play, I listen to over 4 hours of his wiseness-ness then go play pumped up on golf zen that day chilled. Plus I carry some of his top quality shiesen merchandise on my bag and person. Zummmmm, wadda Dalai.

  6. I played a round this morning where I left my driver, 3w, and hybrid at home. I moved off the tips and broke 90 for the first time in a dozen rounds. Plus, and this might be attributed to my new Free Bird Polo, I made two birdies. Waddaround! Waddalife!

  7. Confused on the 3rd hole… its a straight 353 par 4. He hits a great 7iron and is then 133 out. Is something off or did he just hit his 7iron 220? lol

  8. I am actually going to try this in my league this week. Remove the driver, 5 wood, 5 iron, and 6 iron to see what happens. Thanks for the tip on recovery golf.

  9. 10:45, if 7 iron wasn't the limit I would have hit a 4 iron and kept it low. Slight fade into the fairway. I find my 4 is the get out of trouble club in those situations…1/2 swing.

  10. Great to watch. I’m heading this week to FL to play hardest course I’ve ever played (I’m a 17 hcp). This video about thinking 10 seconds and having confidence + commitment is exactly what I need.

  11. I love me some manage-ya-twa on the course. Takes me just 10 seconds stroking my phat wood, thinking of a birdie before I spread my immaculate golf juice all over the green. Then I step up and put it in the hole 😜

  12. I can SOOOOOO relate to BDog. I was on the other spectrum of playing golf. I was managing 4-7 rounds per month. But my game management and ball striking was going down hill. From breaking 100 pretty easily to blowing out over 100 more regularly. I had also invested in lessons with our club pro. Which has been a massive help to work out what the hell I was doing wrong. It's been a lot of hard homework at the range. But as in this video, you need to take several steps back and relearn your mind and body. Gary Player stated the biggest fact of golf. CONFIDENCE. Take that away and you will never go forward in this perplexing game. Stripping our amature game back to the basics is the quickest and only effective way to gain confidence and the ability to build our game up again.

  13. Ita all about stuffing the big Richard energy down and not smashing my driver every time the hole is longer then 250y lol 😆

  14. Wild move to assume guys who can't break 100 can consistently flush irons off the tee. Just saying. If this was an option for those types of players, they probably would

  15. The only thought I had when breaking 100 was to always advance the ball, don't be too greedy. Also don't overestimate your self on any shot.

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