Golf Babe

DAN SHULMAN on The Toronto Blue Jays

The Toronto Blue Jays are 17-14, Vladdy is slumping and players are getting ejected for basically anything… whats wrong with Canada’s only MLB team??  

Dan Shulman comes on the podcast today to re-assure Bob and John that Jays fans should have nothing to worry about. We talk about their pitching, batting and fielding issues that have come up to start the season and Dan lets us know why he would be surprised if Toronto doesn’t end up being one of the leagues best teams come September.


  1. Waaaay too early to panic. If this was September it would be a problem… Not May. They're going to be ok.

  2. Baseball umps are the easiest people to hate. They have absolutely zero tolerance for any type of common sense. Great show guys, could listen to you guys talk baseball daily.

  3. I am tired how they treat athletes today – they are employees – from Vladdy's walking to first base, Bo's swinging at anything with 3 feet of the plate, wearing sunglasses when you have to stare up in thee mid-day sunshine, running and THROWING to bases worse that pee wee teams – the product is GARBAGE

  4. It's time for Mr. Montoyo to get the hell out. He doesn't inspire nobody nor anyone gets inspire by him……Charlie You are not the man.. 4 years of this. Get out !!!

  5. They're simply not paying these players enough. How is anyone going to scrape by on the money they get. It's ridiculous

  6. To many pitches go against the Jays. Of course the umps are against the Jays. Baseball is against the Jays. They don't ever want to see the Jays win the World Series again. I said this 10 games in. And Shulman and Tabby should quit talking these players up so much. Bichette is not major league material.

  7. Much like the Leafs and Bolts are testing each other, the Jays and Rays will be testing each other this weekend. By now, fans from both areas pretty much hate each other. Go Rays. Go Bolts.

  8. I can't wait for the day when they get robot umpires in the MLB. I am so done with the BS between players/managers vs umps. Just get the calls right!

  9. I have not heard such nonsense in a long time. Your Jays are a good team, but highly overrated. Good pitching will ALWAYS overcome good hitting. The Yankees currently have outstanding pitching. They are a better ball club. Jays have zero depth. They also are very arrogant. They act like they are in a class by themselves. They are not. They are just regressing to who they are because they over achieved last year. Romano is not "the best closer in baseball" as Montoyo says all the time. They will likely limp into the playoffs at best.

  10. jeff nelson made angel hernandes look the the best ump of the century. worst game ever by a home plate ump.

  11. Yimi Garcia getting thrown out actually helped the Jays. Then Romano BLOWS it. So in the end Yimi Garcia getting tossed was pointless, get over it.

  12. The Jays miss a guy like Donaldson. A guy who stirs the pot. They're way too loose and relaxed and fun loving in the dugout. They need a "serious" player who keeps his teammates accountable. Too much joking around in the dugout

  13. I'm all for having fun playing a kid's game. But the Jays take it too far. They need to change they're attitude. They need someone hard nosed, and serious about the game/situation. Someone to get in the face of guys like Vladdy, Bo, etc.

  14. John Gibbons was as laid back as any manager in baseball ever yet was successful because he had guys like Donaldson and Bautista on his team

  15. It's almost June and Tapia hasn't been Tapia. He needs to be better, do what makes him successful. I do put some of the blame on Montoyo for not using him like he should. Tapia needs to RUN every opportunity he gets. He should automatically have the GREEN LIGHT everytime he's on 1st base.

  16. The Jays management needs to alow Kikuchi to be himself. Let him throw all his pitches any time he wants. Don't try to change what's made him successful in the past.

  17. They knew what they were getting with Kikuchi. Now they're trying to get him to be something he isn't. Let him throw his splitter.

  18. If I were a Major League GM I wouldn't let any pitcher on my team throw the cutter. And I don't believe in throwing certain pitches to right handed batters and others to left handed hitters.

  19. Use all your pitches to all hitters, regardless of situation and what side of the plate the hitters stands in. Mix all your pitches to all hitters

  20. I would have kept Kosuke. He's a versatile left handed bat off the bench. They chose Zimmer instead. Zimmer can't hit a lick.

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