If we wan to have control over our golf ball we need to be able to control the club face and where it points throughout the swing, and especially at impact.

Chris Ryan shows you exactly why this skill is so tricky to manage and also the three factors which contribute to the club face position.

Finally Chris shows you a drill that you can do to help you master this element of the swing



Galvin Green

Golf Poser


►Subscribe to Chris Ryan Golf for more instruction!

►Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

►Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.




  1. Big thank you for a previous video series (pro Vs am). Put a tilt and movement towards the ball in the back swing (slot earlier than I was previously) has changed my swing 1000000% I now have a more consistent shot shape and have discovered that a fade is more reliable and still crush distances …… Thank you thank you…..

  2. Chris is the best. Watch “brain golf Navamani” to get an in-depth knowledge about golf swing.

  3. Could talk about wrist hinge, the common faults and properly set wrist hinge? Maybe you have already. Thx for all the tips!

  4. Working on this at the moment, I'm slightly open at impact so I have to keep my left wrist bowed through impact

  5. Hi chris I got the magnet angle tool, but to get it to point down the target line my shaft is almost at my left knee at address.Could this be that im playing with standard length clubs,and im only 5foot4inches tall, or could there be a fault on my clubs.Iplay with cobra one length.My clubs are about 12months old victor

  6. Chris, your tips are always just lvls above everyone else… and always manage to apply what you say to my game with minimal negative impact when first implementing

  7. Great clarification video, should help me diagnose my own errors. Would love to see a video on short game shots but not from ideal lies in the fairway. My course has some serious downhill/uphill lies out of pretty gnarly rough near the greens.

  8. Ha ha ha. I just poked a tee through a piece of cardboard cut to the shape of my 8 iron. Fixed the thing with a couple of robber bands. Hey presto. I’m pointing my clubface about 5 degrees left. Genius Chris! Love all your videos. That green side bunker on the left side of the eighth hole is going to miss me. I’m really confident about experimenting with this. Thanks again.

  9. I’m amazed that the golf ball goes remotely in the correct direction at all after that excellent explanation!

  10. Wouldn't it make more sense to set the clubface a little closed at address rather than try and manipulate the clubface with your hands in the last few feet of the swing? Doing the latter seems to be a much more difficult task.

  11. I know this video is a little old, but I thought club face was my biggest issue. So I watched it recently applied the changes and boom!! Straight down the fairway with loft, no more worm burners!! You the man Chris!!! Great video, I got a YouTube account just to thank you and say great work!!

  12. I love that you take the time to explain the problem in detail and break it down to what's causing the problem. Then you build up the tips that could fix it.
    Best golf tutorial channel on youtube!

  13. Of the hundreds of videos I have watched, nobody has explained this. Thank you!!!!!

  14. 2021, I've been playing this game long enough to say I am terrible at club face control. I shut and open the face at impact. And then I hit it nice and straightish when I hit that ball just right.

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