Golf Babe

Getting on the Bus to Hell feat. Joe Thomas

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00:00 intro and explanation of RebuilEd
10:47 Tim Grover’s background working with Michael Jordan
34:35 interview with former NFL star Joe Thomas
01:08:33 recapping Joe Thomas
1:11:18 how to get started

Welcome to week 1 episode 1 of RebuildEd. In this first episode Tim Grover and I explain what we plan to achieve in this 8 week journey to help both you guys and myself become the best at what we do. Tim goes into his background of personal training and fitness along with how he got started with Michael Jordan. Later on Joe Thomas (01:08:33) joins the show to talk about how fitness and “doing your job” helped him sustain one of the most impressive streaks of durability and performance in sports history. We end week 1 with a plan of how YOU can get started on your own journey, as Tim puts it “getting on the bus ride to hell”


  1. Joe Thomas was the best player I’ve ever seen play ! Dude is a stand up guy. I’ll never forget being at the browns draft party when we drafted him and he was on a fishing trip with his dad !

  2. I listened for about 20 minutes and then skipped through it a bit to listen more here and there, I heard some good stuff but I really hope that this show will add some vlogs to see the things Ed is doing to RebuildEd. Thanks and I hope that this show becomes a big success 💪

  3. This sounds so cool, proud of u red Ed. Also take chief off the poll this week, triple nut is nasty 🥜

  4. "Pull up any diet… THEY ALL WORK! You just gotta do them. There's a reason why people start and never finish or finish it and go back to old habits.

    You need to identify those things first.

    It's not the two hours you spend in the gym, it's the twenty-two hours outside the gym that has a bigger impact on you"

  5. I thought the content would be different I thought we were going to watch a transformation of someone. Looking forward to episode 2

  6. Why is ed sitting for the whole thing? Go for a walk and talk man… show us something other than a sitting podcast lmfao

  7. When youre pretty much a team veteran by your 3rd year, u know youre a good player on a bad team.

  8. Have been trying to lose weight for past 2 years and have failed again and again. Hope this is the push that makes me not fall off. Thanks for this Ed!

  9. It's never happened to me before but I kind of developed a man crush for Joe Thomas. What a great guy with a great attitude who anyone could learn from.

  10. Great start to a very exciting 8 week journey, this is going to be killer! If you are someone who wants to be anything more than average in life this is the content for you! 👍🏼

  11. I like the talking and all but I wish there was a longer bulk of the episode of Eddie getting after it in the gym or Tim in the kitchen with him. Regardless, I’m here to support. Good luck on the journey Eddie 💪

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