Golf Babe

2022 Dynamic Disc Open | RD1 F9 | Pierce, Mandujano, King, Velediaz

2022 Dynamic Disc Open
2022 DGPT Stop # 5
Round One – F9 – FPO FEATURE
Jones Supreme DGC
Emporia, Kansas

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2 Hot Geese T-Shirts!!!!!

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Commentary Team
Erika Stinchcomb & Madison Walker

Paige Pierce
Valerie Mandujano
Hailey King
Macie Velediaz

Like our theme music?
Checkout @pettyfoxloop on IG!!
Facebook: GK Productions
Insta: gk_productions918


  1. Really should have added a chain hit sound for Maxie’s Eagle. Great work otherwise guys and Geese

  2. "Is there a bigger stroke gap from one hole to the next?" The Bazooka says watch this.. LOL Poor guy.

  3. Thanks GK for the amazing turnaround. Thanks also for showing the player intros with good sound at the beginning, which really helps set the tone for the coverage. One request: Please please please turn up ambient sound! We want to hear wind, footsteps, tree smacks, chains, and claps/cheers! Note to DD: this course design is terrible. No one wants to watch or play holes that require a full drive from the farthest throwers and a chip-up for par 3. Please do better.

  4. “Playing for par on a (385 foot) par three feels … weird”. Hmmm, welcome to my world. 😎

  5. Why haven't they put flags on the baskets? There's so few queues on the course to indicate how windy it is, it's really helpful as a viewer when there's a flag on the basket so I can actually gauge how crazy difficult the conditions really are.

  6. Such a shame to go from such an awesome course at jonesboro to this, where the FPO course seems to have been a bit of an afterthought

  7. So, on the first hole, even if you lay up and not try to cross the creek, it is still OB? Everywhere except the red area around the basket is OB? That’s kinda ridiculous.

  8. 4:42 Generally stuff like that IS old tires, or things similar to that! They've used that in a couple of parks I've been too, I don't… it feels weird under my feet!

  9. Can I ask, why have Maddison and Erika stopped mentioning the discs being thrown? I found it really interesting, seeing discs I know doing different things in different conditions. Have the best commentators in the game been asked not to mention them any more?

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