Golf Babe

Cute Tiffany Blue Skirt on Golf Babe #shorts #golfbabe

Cute Tiffany Blue Skirt on Golf Babe #shorts #golfbabe

Is Your Ball Striking Inconsistent, And More “Practice” Just Isn’t Helping?

HINT: It’s Probably Your Swing plane, And If You Keep Reading You’ll Soon Discover…

“The Dead Simple 3 Step ‘Blueprint’ Used By ALL Tour Players To Groove A Perfect Swing Plane And Hit The Golf Ball Longer, Straighter, And More Consistently Than Ever Before…And It Takes Just Minutes To Implement…”

Step 1 – The Perfect On Plane Takeaway
The takeaway sets the state for the entire golf

swing, and is essential if you want to swing on plane each and every time.

During the first step of the program, you’ll get 4 unique takeaway drills that will give you instant feedback, so you’ll know right away if you’re doing them correctly or not.

On page 51 I’ll give you a specific checkpoint, and once you pass the “test” you can move on to…

Step 2 – The Ideal Backswing Plane
If you struggle with the dreaded “over the top” death move, you’ll love page 58. I’m going to give you the best drill in the world to groove a consistent, repeatable back swing plane.

Once you’ve completed the self-assessment on page 62, you can move on to…

Step 3 – The Downswing Plane For Consistent Ball Striking And Effortless, Explosive Power
During step 3, I’ll show you how to get in the perfect position on the downswing to strike the ball with the consistency and force of a professional golfer.

In fact, on pages 65-70 I’m going to show you a secret move that I haven’t seen revealed anywhere else that will show you how to get into the perfect position on the downswing… Every. Single. Time.

You’ll also get three drills to help you ingrain this secret move… permanently.

Putting it all together…

After you’ve gone through all the steps, I show you (on page 86) how to “tie it all together” and start hitting consistent, powerful golf shots with your new, perfect swing plane.

I’ve also included plenty of pictures that you can always refer back to, which will ensure that you never get stuck.



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