Golf Babe

2022 Jonesboro Open | RD2 B9 | Tattar, Mertsch, Hanson, Gannon

2022 Jonesboro Open presented by Prodigy
2022 DGPT Stop # 4
Round Two – B9 – FPO FEATURE
Disc Side of Heaven DGC
Jonesboro, Arkansas

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2 Hot Geese T-Shirts!!!!!…

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Commentary Team
Erika Stinchcomb & Madison Walker

Kristin Tattar
Kat Mertch
Ella Hanson
Missy Gannon


  1. FYI Here is the cure for poison ivy

    Use the hottest water you think you can handle and soak it, once you get acclimated to that heat get the water even hotter & hotter. As close as you can get without burning yourself. I use a shower for easy success. Repeat every 4-6 hours until gone

    Personal story: I was in a car wreck and EMS pulled me out of the car and dragged me through a field of poison ivy. I had it on every inch of my body including private parts. I looked like an Oompa Loompa. I tried every home remedy and even prescription drugs, nothing worked, for an entire month I suffered day after day.
    The hot water method saved me. I was almost completely cured within 24 hours. As a side benefit it also gives you an hour of no itching. I think the hot water shocks your nervous system, dries your skin out and messes with the oil from the poison ivy. That’s my guess…

    I’m not sure why it works but I swear it works when nothing else would!

  2. I also became a Kat Mertsch fan. We have probably both spent some time along the Little Red River although she might not have been born when I was there.

  3. Kinda unreal the distance Ella gets off the tee. If she sticks with the sport, she has all the ingredients to be one of the best in the world

  4. Enjoyable as always. You two are awesome. I agree with Seven Streams below. Kat is fun to watch.

  5. I will have to say that I enjoy the FPO more than MPO. The camaraderie is much cooler. A 70+ year male.

  6. The shooting angles, the video quality and the crispness of the graphics here are amazing. Colors of the graphics are the best in business, imho. However, the amount of player info on screen during gameplay is the opposite. If one skips a bit, it's very hard to tell what did one miss, and surely the score of at least a few most recent holes would lift this up considerably.

  7. all these stream services need to merge and do it "peaceably" so we can have this type of quality coverage "LIVE" every single week and every single Round

  8. Absolute joy to watch this incredible card play! Kat and Missy have amazing personalities and Kristin and Ella are absolute crushers! Kat can also bomb as seen this weekend and all of them are great putters 💪

  9. If I had a chance to play a round with anyone, it's now Kat Mertsch. She looks like so much fun

  10. Kat is really fun to watch, but let's be honest: U.S. wasn't ready for that Estonian smoke. Kristin is so good.

  11. Great commentary, would love to see more than the top 10 would like to see the top 30 after each round. Thank you for all the hard work

  12. great commentary & play. this is such a wonderful course that's set up beautifully for the FPO (for a change) – difficult but fair with no impossible 450 ft par threes which we see WAY too much of and only one hole which could be labeled as "soft". this is the design which the FPO deserves going forward.

  13. Madison makes me laugh. She is so hard on herself when she plays, I can imagine watching this level of play with such insane wind blew her mind. They are all playing so well. Mad was right, the FPO really has upped it's game.

  14. 2HotGeese is doing some of the best commentary I’ve ever heard. Very pleasant and enjoyable. Keep up the great work!!

  15. I agree with Madison: The level of FPO play has increased astronomically just in the last two years. Sooooo much fun to watch! WE NEED CHASE CARD COVERAGE! (Please and thanks!)

  16. It’s the male in me I know…. But every time they say.
    “Great putt”
    I hear… “Great Butt!”

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