Golf Babe


This is the thinning iron drill that SERIOUSLY WORKS WONDERS!! This will MASSIVELY HELP YOU if you are thinning your irons. So many golfers thin their irons, catching it clean with irons, fatting irons duffinng irons….

This is a super simple and easy golf drill that will stop you from thinning your irons. This is a simply golf instruction video that will stop you from thinning your irons. There are so many golf videos out there that cover topics such as over the top, golf instruction, backswing, stop slicing, stop hooking, golf advice and all golfers out there want to know how to play better golf.

The thinning iron drill that keeps on working wonders will help you strike your irons like a tour pro, gain consistency with irons, reduce your handicap and play better golf.

Don’t forget to check out


My laser and watch! I recommend these…

My balance bar training aid…

My current Golf ball…

My laser and watch! I recommend these…

My podcast “How To ruin a good walk”
Apple –…
Spotify –…


  1. Hi Alex, firstly love your flogs, i have been watching you for some time now and taken a lot on board but i would like to say that since last September i took it upon myself to look at my game differently by not counting score during my round, i found that i concentrated more on my next shots than thinking about the previous ones, and have taken my handy cap down from 20.2 – 16.7 in six months, which i am proud of, i think your viewers would benefit from this kind of information.

  2. Do you have any tips for adjusting between the different types of shots during a round? Find I can hit irons, driving, wedges ect all fine in isolation in practice, however really struggle switching between the different types of shots when I’m on the course

  3. I sliced the ball when driving a lot this week end. I watch and practice your slice videos. I do pretty well on the range but always have trouble applying what I practiced to the course.
    Any ideas?

  4. I use a watch but am not really sure what distances my clubs go? Crazy! Would love to book a session with a launch monitor and get the distances for all my irons.
    My iron distances are consistent but unknown!!
    Crazy ?

  5. Dainty bump and runs onto the green! I loose so many shots by catching the ground before the ball and its so frustrating after either a good tee shot or long iron to spoil it on what should be such a simple shot. Thanks Alex.

  6. Watch mainly

    I use the laser more so for exact distances when under 100 metres mostly as I have pitch shots I can play to certain distances so am keen to know which shot/club I need

    Occasionally if playing a course I am not familiar with I will laser trouble off the tee to work out the distances

    But that watch is a must as it gives me the number I need and I have trust with the number so when I pull out the 5 iron instead of the 6 iron based on what I see I am confident I have the right number

  7. Well time content, spent 3 hour today coaching my son this exact thing. A few daisy flower heads used along the way to have a focal point on the takeaway and delivery.
    Course distances, I went to the ring finder first, but my local course has has a number very hilly shots, so no line of sight 2nd shots, so Golf Pad phone app, later a Galaxy 1 watch to, both can read the NFC club tags. Phone app logs the club distances so a quite caddy really. I always keep a range finder in the bags as back-up, flat phone battery , or better still deleting the dam app, by accident , in the tee box at the club cup event : (

  8. Alex, love your tips and videos. Maybe you can give some tips on what irons to use on various distances?

  9. I use a Bushnell Phantom GPS for distances (front middle back), but I also use Arccos on my Apple Watch.
    … Can never have enough data ☝🏻

  10. Excellent point on weight transfer Alex! Weight transfer doesn't seem to be my problem, but lack of rotation is one of my biggest faults. Also liked your recommendation for hitting out of thick rough using a lofted club!

  11. Hitting toward target is my issue. I keep going left. How do I build the muscle memory to keep myself through the target rather than a huge corker that pushes left?

  12. Your videos are amazing. I have the same problem with hitting thick and I also can’t seem to stop cupping my wrist

  13. Use a laser

    Question can you or have you done a video about how to go through a practice range session and pre round range session ?

  14. As always, great content Alex!! Million thanks from all your followers! Have a question that could turn into a video 🤞🏻🤞🏻 : thoughts on how much / far wrists should hinge on a full shot? Thanks again!!

  15. Alex I suffer with a bad slice, cupped wrist and try to control my back swing which makes it worse, I find more turn on backswing tends to go straighter, what drills can I work on at home to try and teach myself a better backswing

  16. This video addresses my greatest swing fault.. Hitting it thin when I get tired or lose concentration.
    Its odd that you start with the punch shot bc that's what I force myself to do when I start hitting my shots thin.

  17. Awesome video Alex. I struggle in the rough so found this really helpful. I use the garmin s40 watch but toying with the idea of a range finder

  18. I use a GPS device. I play always to middle or back of green as I find myself always hitting it shorter than planned. I appreciate all your tips, very concise and quick that you can take to range/course and implement quickly. Thanks for all you do!

  19. Alex definitely a laser. Old dependable Bushnell. Keeps going even after running over it with my golf cart !

  20. Hi Alex,
    Use a watch with data tracking as building up true measure of distances I hit each club based on real life and not off mats at range.
    This weekend played first comp in a club I joined in Oct, stapleford so with my handicap 26 my bad holes don’t kill the card completely, saying that, our course is a 9 hole with 4 extra tees for the back nine. The only par 5 tee is moved back 130 yards, I picked up having played 4 and stuck 1 yard from a hedge still 20 yards short of the 1st 9 tee 😂😂😂still good fun playing with different people.

  21. I use a laser 95% of the time (gives me an accurate distance to what I want, be that the flag, a tree behind, a bunker lip in front and so on) but on courses I discover, I often pair the laser with a GPS app on the phone, which tells me the shape of holes, the distances needed to cut a corner of forest and shows me the lay of the land in general… Now, I don't need that too much, usually as I try very hard to "play where I see the ball" and "stay in front of me" when discovering new places… The temptation is strong, however, to be a bit more aggressive…

  22. Nice one, but I'm in the "5%" camp who thin balls occasionally by either having the low point too much forward of the golf ball or a tad too high relative to the ground (but still forward of the ball)… That's producing bad thins that often get even punched INTO the ground and really go nowhere, and this general "too much forward" also costs me a lot of distance on the driver (I do hit it down significantly). That's bad but when I don't get that bad thin, I do PURE my irons and crush them a long way!!!. Any drill to fight this "lunge forward in transition" problem while keeping the beautiful compression I have "most of the time"?

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