Disc Golf Rules School – Episode 7: Mandatories

Thanks for watching PDGA Rules School, a 12-part video series introducing the basics of the Official Rules of Disc Golf.

In Episode 7: Mandatories, host Sarah Hokom introduces the concept of a mandatory route, how to determine if a disc has missed the mandatory and how to proceed once it is determined that a mandatory has been missed according to the 2022 update of the Official Rules of Disc Golf section 804.01.

For the complete Official Rules of Disc Golf, visit:

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  1. Questions: Is the mando line no longer just the perpendicular from the tee (or previous mando)? Seems like we've avoided a lot of complexity about perpendicular lines by just saying the mando is wherever the TD says it is. If that's the case, however, does that mean every tee sign that just marks mando objects (but not a specific mando line) is now out of date?

  2. The section about the line of play caused some confusion – some people thought this had something to do with defining the mando’s restricted area, saying “see, it says in the video, you draw a line from the disc to the basket, then the mando line is perpendicular to that” (which is not true at all, but they thought that was what the video was saying, and is what the diagram looked like to them).

    Perhaps the section discussing the line of play could include a reminder of what the line of play is, and emphasize that it has nothing to do with defining the mando.

  3. Now imagine, your disc passes on the correct side of the mandatory, hits the ground and rolls back towards the wrong side of the mando, but doesn't pass through the plane. You take your stance behind the disc, and during your backswing the disc passes through the restricted space of the mando. That means that during your throw it enters the restricted area and violates the mando rule. Go to the drop zone or from your last lie, which was just in front of the mando. Unlike the OB rule, there's no 1 meter relief to keep yourself/disc from entering the mando's restricted area.

  4. What is the significance of the "line of play" and what makes this rule change so important? Please give some examples.

  5. Shoutout to whoever had the idea to include the "Mando-lorian" discs in the background. I see you clever production team!

  6. Where is the mando line? A) perpendicular to fairway, B) perpendicular to the target, C) TD statement?

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