SCORING in GOLF EXPLAINED using a whiteboard animation/explanatory video. Hope it helps in understanding how the golf scoring system works.
Extending on the HOW TO PLAY GOLF series, I also thought let me cover the GOLF BASICS like SCORING IN GOLF.

A few of my friends new to golf mentioned that they would not understand the scoring system in golf when the watched it on TV. And that’s when it hit me , that for most of us our first introduction to golf would happen by watching golf on television.
I would like to highlight that I have used the “Stroke Play” format which is the most common format you find in golf tournaments as an example. Also I have not considered the effect of handicap/stroke index to the outcome of the results. This video gives a simple explanation of how scores are kept and interpreted in golf.
Hey Guys, I’m Savio Almeida.
I run a blogging website which is mainly dedicated to my passion, GOLF.
Here, I talk about various tips and tricks on HOW TO play golf on a budget and take up golf as a weekend/recreational sport.
I also talk about how Golf helps in your personal and professional development.
I want as many people as possible to give golf a try and find out first hand what an awesome game this is.

Please do subscribe to my channel as I will be talking about stuff from my own personal experiences.
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