This small grip change is the secret to transforming your ball flight with driver. This is a super simple change that will tranform the ball flight and start helping you hit better golf shots. You will score better, reduce your handicap and start reducing your scores.

This simple change is SO SIMPLE AND HAS HUGE RESULTS!! So many of my clients have seen unbelievable results! This GRIP CHANGE is key getting a better ball fight and will help you get better at golf. It is also the secret to consistency. I sue this tee trick all the time on my coaching in order to get the correct grip pressure when using your irons and driver. The biggest grip mistakes is the RE-GRIPPING at the top of the backswing and having to much pressure reducing club head speed and the release of the club head.

This grip golf tip is simple and easy to follow and I would recommend this to any golfer whether they are a beginner golfer or advanced.

We have all heard the terms, simple grip change, grip, grip change, huge distance, golf grip ,perfect golf grip,beginner golf grip,overlap grip,interlock grip,baseball grip,ten finger grip,release hands in golf swing,how to grip the golf club,tiger woods golf grip,wearing out golf glove,tearing golf glose,golf ball compression,early extension golf swing,bad posture golf,grip and set up golf shot,golf posture,golf posture for beginners,golf tip!

This video on I bet this simple grip change will gain you huge distance covers all of these topics and will give you instant results!

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  1. Great video as usual Alex! I find if I go too strong I slice the ball. I stick to a neutral grip to get the ball in play more.

  2. Alex, I’m struggling with massive top spin worm burners to the left, I was hitting it straight and long then after 3 weeks of bad weather I came back to this duck hook that goes 250 on the ground. Doesn’t go way way left, but won’t get up off the ground? Baffled in Texas

  3. Alex: Do you use “wringing water out of
    the towel” to set the grip? I do this every time I grip the club, and it helps keep my hands connected and my elbows closer together. Love your videos,

  4. I work the ball both ways, according to what the shot calls for. The slight grip change is paramount for me. I’ve not heard many golf instructors mention it, but it makes things soooo much more simple. The only other thing I think about is…. Swing a little steeper, for the fade. And, swing a little flatter, for the draw. Works like a charm. Great video!

  5. I am a slicer so have been trying a neutral to strong grip. Now I miss left a lot more but that is partly because 8batill don't trust aiming right. I have been known to go too strong and twice last year hit the ball off my front leg

  6. Am a 2 knuckle fader. Will need to work on a 3 knuckle draw. The course I play more than others is a fader's dream!

  7. So far I've tried 2 of your techniques at the golf course.. very helpful info thus far.. looking forward to giving a go at the grip change

  8. They don't exist for us lefties. Don't worry about it. We're used to disappointment. Hmm I wonder if P770s come LH? I wonder if Mizuno 225s have a LH option.


  9. Don't apologise to left handers

    If they feel left out then they should stand on the correct side of the ball when addressing it

  10. I find Im more aggressive with a stronger grip which can result in a low draw/ hook. Neutral grip with slightly open or closed address and ball position for shaping…

  11. Can't a weaker grip cause the hands to roll to much and produce hook misses as well?

  12. Hi Alex, a very simple explanation to what your grip can achieve. A lot of people can over complicate this (myself included). I tend to use a stronger grip with a wide open fairway and a more neutral one when it’s tight and I’m just wanting to keep the ball in play at the expense of distance. 👍😎🇦🇺

  13. Let me start by saying I am a slicer of the driver. I'm a 16 handicap that just can't keep the tension out of my wrists, so hold off my release, keeping the face open. A friend suggested I just set up in my normal way but with the driver face closed. I typically have an inside out path, but late release, and closing the face made it fell like I was driving a nail with along hammer as opposed to hitting a ball off a tee. It went a bit straighter, but I always worry when I get odd-sounding advice. So, I wonder, is strengthening the grip effectively the same as placing your hands in a neutral grip with the club face closed? Might my blind squirrel of a friend stumbled upon a nut?

  14. neutral to weak left hand.. stronger right hand… playing right handed .. I am really left handed ..but that's a long long story.

  15. Hi Alex great content on all video's, great to watch , any idea's on stop topping the ball especially with hybrid/fairway woods, thanks .

  16. You’ve literally fixed my driver slice i was moaning about in the ben hogan video. How much do i owe you?

  17. Great video Alex , the slightest change in grip can make a massive difference, as I have just found out
    Thanks mate keep up the great work.

  18. I like the first shot you hit. If you were using the strong grip. Looks like a slight fade. But I’m still a firm believer the path is dictated by the release. You can have all the correct hand placements etc but if you’re not turning the club over you’re not getting a draw. Also contrary to belief, you also can setup with a 25-30 degree open clubface, meaning face will be open at impact and still hit a hook, if you really snap it over.

  19. Alex man can you please do a video on different release patterns for a draw, for a cut. And possibly high low? But more emphasis on the draw and cut release patterns.

  20. Another great video Alex, thanks. I have a question. I am left handed but play golf right handed therefor my top hand is my strongest hand. Does this affect my swing and trying to develop club speed and distance?

  21. This is a difficult problem for me to explain without it seeming like it's just a major swing flaw or something. Ive been playing golf for a long time and I've gotten my swing to a point where I'm pretty happy with my speed and power. I hit a lot of foam and plastic practice balls in my front yard nearly every day and I love doing it. My issue is that all that practice doesn't seem to translate to real balls very well when it comes to my irons. Wiyh the practice balls, I can fade them, draw them, hit them low or high pretty consistently, but when I go out on the course and try to hit real balls, I have been having a really hard time making center contact that feels good. It honestly feels like I'm hitting the ball with a brick on the end of a stick. I've tried so many little tweaks to get it right. It is extremely frustrating to say the least and it's ruining an otherwise decent game. I know there isn't a lot to go on here, but maybe you can make some sense of it Alex. Thanks for your great content man.

  22. I was recently at the driving range and video taped myself hitting the ball with my driver. I saw myself being late with my downswing, opening up my hips too early and probably a weak grip causing a major slice that ranges from 150 yards right to left movement being a left handed golfer. Is there a technique I can try at the range or my next time out to stop this?

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