Golf Babe

Hinako Shibuno Final Round Highlights | 2022 LOTTE Championship

Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the LPGA Tour. Here you can find everything you need to stay up to date with all of the action featuring some of the world’s best golfers! Check in for highlights from every tournament plus full round replays, top shots and amazing moments.

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  1. Shibunoさん。お疲れ様でした。セカンドおめでとうございます。全てがマッチしてるように感じる。風への引出しがふやせましたね。焦らず、慌てず実戦を積めば理屈は後から着いてくる事を信じて。

  2. 渋野日向子さん☀️ナイスプレー✨何より嬉しいのは安定感👍相手関係ありません風と場所、自分自身‼️今それが出来ている☀️納得の2位\(^-^)/ありがとー😉👍🎶

  3. Impossible to dislike Hinako – she's got to be one of the nicest people in existence!

  4. It's clearly noticeable that she has gotten stronger both physically and mentally. She has obviously worked very hard and the experience she picked up playing several LPGA events a while back has stood her in good stead. Even though this is now officially her rookie year she is showing great maturity. What a start she has made! Already 11th on the money list! She is proving she is a class player and if she continues like this, it won't be too long before she picks up another major. Impressive!

  5. lovely Shibuno. Wish you wim more majors- A most polite and lovely player, many people wish you win.

  6. パットの出来がいまいちだったんですね。ショットはほぼ完ぺきだっただけに惜しかった

  7. She still suck!!!! There is a lot of chances for her to make some birdie n catch up but didn't capitalize it.

  8. I do not like how your TV broadcasts only show play by the front runners. Many of us have our favorite women players and we tune in to see them play on TV !

  9. Yet another LPGA event on American soil under the name of the first ladies golf association started in America, but look it looks like a foreign tournament. Few Americans visible. Why watch the lpga anymore if you are American.

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