The Best Golf Swing Rotation Drill for your Backswing and Downswing

This golf swing rotation drill will help you with your golf backswing and downswing golf moves.

If you struggle with hip rotation in golf swing, this easy golf swing tip from Todd Kolb shows you how to get more golf rotation, which will help you get more length in the backswing and help make the path of your golf swing inside out on the downswing.

These two golf rotation drills are especially great for the experienced senior golfer, who has limited flexibility and has been told to restrict hip turn in backswing.

With enough reps of the drills above, you might actually start hitting a draw.

But I guarantee your shots will curve right-to-left (or left-to-right, for lefties) if you learn
my Tour Draw swing system.

I’m not just talking about your 6- through 8-irons, which are relatively easy to turn over.

I’m talking about your longer irons, hybrids and yep, even the hard-to-draw driver.

Despite what you may have heard, developing a consistent, reliable draw is not that

You do need to know the new rules of shot shaping, though, which fly in the face of
conventional teaching.

Learn more about the Vertical Line Swing Tour Draw program here:

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