Best Rotation Drill To Get The Hips Open at Impact | THIS JUST WORKS!

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Best Rotation Drill To Get The Hips Open at Impact | THIS JUST WORKS!

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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  1. Apreciando a una mujer tan hermosa. 2:2 sentadillas son unos XXXGIRLS.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍 Saludos desde la Cd.. de world losb mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

  2. This is just what I needed. Can’t wait to try and drill this into muscle memory. Thank you !

  3. Keeping the lead arm on the chest is something I thought of myself that has really helped me. It never stays there long of course but at last I find an online instructor who endorses this! All of I've been hearing is 'get the left off off the chest'. Not for me – keep it pinned!

  4. This is great!!!! George Gankas teaches this. Excellent instruction but the sales pitch video that plays after this is mind numbing. I would give you $49 to cut that video in half!!! Terrible.

  5. Do not think cast the club and point your knuckles backwards. My goodness. The swing thought for hip rotation is to push away into your left heel. Never think rotate your hips. Also never feel like the club gets behind you. Pros feel the club in front of them, the entire swing. Your hands fall into impact with proper body movement, pushing away from the ball into back left heel. It creates space for your hands and is what generates speed. Another speed factor is wrists. Don’t think the thoughts of this video.

  6. I find that when I don't rotate my hips, I don't flip at the ball, but rather my swing is directed more out to the right. Usually the ball either goes straight right or goes right and aggressively and inconsistently draws back.

  7. This video is worthless if you don't stress the fact that, at the start of the downswing, you have to keep the trail hip back and prevent all your viewers to start 'spinning out". ..

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