Golf Babe

Tiger Woods reveals he WILL play The Open & reacts to Masters performance

Tiger Woods reacts to his performance in the 2022 Masters, and reveals he WILL take part in The Open!




  1. Wow! I never realised that Tiger's favourite Course is St. Andrews!… He is a Legend and Golf needs Tiger!

  2. I think he would retire if he won St.Andrews. It would be complete for him…everything he ever wanted. I think he would just be emerged in delight.

  3. Tiger you are amazing. Just getting to watch you play and be on the course is a gift.

  4. No body really cares whether he’s there or not he’s wasted and washed out media needs to focus on the good and younger players

  5. I said it once and I'll say it again the guy is washed up he's done he'll never win another major again never

  6. I never understood Tiger and the world not embracing his Asian heritage. He's more Asian than any other race, he was the first Asian-American to win the Masters but that's never mentioned, he's only 30% – 40% African, yet he is recognized as the first African-American to win the Masters…totally wrong…he's not African-American, he's Asian-American. So disrespectful to the Asian community. The older Tiger gets the more Asian he looks, he looks just like his mother.

  7. During the last session of the “World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting” on September 26, 2021, the five hosting nongovernmental organizations from the US, Europe, and Asia issued the “Universal Declaration on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting,” calling on all organizations and individuals in the world to join the effort to stop live organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    Logo of “World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting”

    Arthur L. Caplan, director at the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and a renowned researcher of ethics in transplant medicine, said during the summit that the Declaration was built on the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and “The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being.”

    The Declaration calls on all governments to combat and prevent forced organ harvesting, by “providing for the criminalization of certain acts, and to facilitate both at the national and international levels, the criminal prosecution of forced organ harvesting.”

    Dr. Caplan emphasized that organ donation should always be a donation and shouldn’t be coerced. It has to respect the choice of the individual and the individual’s welfare and wellbeing.

    He added that the Declaration urged the governments to take necessary legislative measures to combat illegal organ procurement, transplants, as well as stop patients from traveling to China to receive organ transplants; each government’s judicial, legislative and executive branches should work together to combat the crime of live organ harvesting; and on the international level, different countries should work together to collect evidence and share information about their research and investigation, in order to stop illegal live organ harvesting and trafficking of human organs and tissues.

  8. Repent to Jesus Christ
    “rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!”
    ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:7-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  9. Tiger is the reason I'm playing golf 25 years ago I was really glad to see tiger back go get her done tiger

  10. If I had that many DUIS & wrecks & wasn't in jail I'd be smiling too. What was the last one ? 90 + MPH down a ravine. If your rich it's acceptable, if your poor your a bad person. Pretzel logic.

  11. Run fo mommy limping cry baby…driving on opiods and crashes…needs an excuse because hes a has been loser

  12. Can’t wait to see Tiger at St Andrews in July !!! My fav golf course in the world as well ❤️

  13. I remember keeping track of the incredible win by tiger at his last masters and getting goosebumps. That might have been the most incredible moment I’ve witnessed in golf

  14. Tiger is definitely not like the rest of us, after 1 or 2 surgeries on the body, most of us would give up trying to play golf professionally again and Tiger has had 10 or 15 surgeries and he still competes at the highest level in Golf, which is the majors. He is not an average person, far superior in his ability to recover from injury and time away from the game. Truly remarkable what he has achieved so far and hopefully he can continue to play and possible win more majors.

  15. Love all of the fanboys celebrating Tiger's 47th place finish. No other +13 player EVER got this much coverage and hero worship.

  16. Why do some people “Hero Worship” a guy who has a ton of baggage but can hit a golf ball ? SMH 🤦‍♀️

  17. Tiger, when I saw you on the Golf Course it was Electric,and amazing to see your Mental Strength. But Physical Strength was not quiet back yet, especially walking the Course I saw your pain,and as a Mother.granmother,and Great G.m. my heart cries to see your determination, never give up .Golf is a boring Sport, but when Tiger is Playing it is all excitement. Every is glue to the T.V. who is not on the Course. My Boy TIGER.Some may Hate you,but GOD LOVES US ALL.

  18. In no particular order, my top list and favorites; Sam Snead, Ben Hogan, TW, Annika Sorenstam and then a whole lot of other really great players that could fill an entire page!

  19. All Tiger should play in is the majors he has already won more PGA tournaments than any man in history all he needs is 4 more majors and he will have won more majors than any man in history and that would stamp his position as the greatest player of all time which I believe he is anyway.

  20. Hope he didn't hurt himself. The Masters is more physically challenging than any other course in the world.

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