Perfect Golf Swing Takeaway Drill

Discover 4 checkpoints on your backswing to set yourself up for maximum power. You’ll learn some awesome drills to ingrain these movements into your golf swing and will add distance to your game for all shots.

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Perfect Golf Swing Takeaway Drill

#TopSpeedGolf #ClayBallard #PerfectTakeaway #LoadUpForPower

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Correct Golf Takeaway

Click For Free Video:
Perfect Golf Back Swing

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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Perfect Golf Swing Takeaway Drill


  1. the weight moves onto the right foot as the club moves away from the target in the first part of the backswing, and then moves back onto the instep of the right foot as the club moves towards the target in the second half of the backswing

  2. Great detail on the trail foot pushing out to power the hip rotation. Never been conscious of this and have never heard this describe this way before. Thanks!

  3. Looks like your left hip is going behind your left ankle line to create the weight shift….would that be an appropriate swing thought? Thx. Tom

  4. Thanks Clay. Would you say that this instruction drills applies without exception to long/mid irons?

  5. Those drives really dont look like they went 300, I want to see your swing in person

  6. For players with reduced flexibility- would the 90* shoulder turn be the key? My arms can’t stretch much past horizontal without bending the left elbow

  7. So, last season I worked really hard, got from mid 80 to a few weeks in the low 70s. But my best round, I was 2 over, and I missed one putt from 2 feet, and one hole I somehow wrote bogey when I really got par. Then after that, I went back to mid 80s for the rest of the year. I think it's metal game, self sabotage.

  8. Thank you for your excellent advice. Today it all clicked, along with lots of ab strengthening, and I broke 300 yards at the driving range!

  9. Your lessons are awesome.I have two of your ideas to try out when I can get on the range later in week.Many thanks👌

  10. Clay,

    I should watch your instruction videos on a weekly basis. I learn something new every time I watch one of the videos. Kudos to you for being so clear with your instructions. Now, it is up to me to do a better job of registering the tips. Thank you again!

  11. Clay, while I have 90 degrees of shoulder turn, my right arm (your left) collapses before I can bring my driver to parallel? If I keep the are relatively straight, I manage a 3/4 backswing. Yes, Phil and I hit from the same side.

  12. Hey Clay thanks for all your help thru out the years iam a member for couple year now,,, this video is great iam doing everything I can to follow what your saying Northstar said iam still a little steep i can't seem to get shallow i thinking now mybupper body i moving way to earlly if this makes sense give me a thumbs up please!!! Ty again

  13. You lost me with the rotation part when you said push your right leg forward (or feel like). How can you do that with the hip rotating backward or around? Please clarify. When things go astray I will always come back to this video. Thanks for the excellent video and instruction Clay.

  14. Another great video. Just got into golf this year (50 rounds played) and these videos are a huge help, I first watched this in April. With so much digital time these days, I've been overwhelmed with golf instruction. I'm glad I came back to this. The lift motion is what I was looking for today. I find my swing just keeps going back flat and arcs all the way around and across the line well passed parallel at the "top". It'll take work get my tempo with a shorter swing but the right leg action in this video is the true secret to power!

  15. This has helped me a great deal. My hip turn was never complete. Better than the last $500 set of lessons I bought

  16. Clay great video I have struggled with understanding the takeaway .This is a great explanation. One question I see that the butt end of the club extends beyond the right thigh, is this something to think about and should it happen on all clubs in the bag..I did some reps while the video was playing and it actually felt like a good swing feel to ensure my weight has indeed shifted and allows plenty of space to get back to the inside on the forward swing .

  17. Terrific instruction as always, Clay. My top-of-backswing position has never been complete with a correct, powerfully-positioned coil. I assumed it was lack of flexibility and strength. It seems I wasn’t turning PROPERLY, early enough! I am doing the reps and working to ingrain these concepts! 👍🏼

  18. Step 2, getting the hips rotating. As a kid, I was taught to restrict my hip rotation to increase the X factor. Your tip to get your hips rotating makes a big difference now that I'm older. Great tip.

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