How To Stop Hitting BEHIND The GOLF BALL

If you have ever hit the ground before the ball you will know just how frustrating this shot is and how destructive it can be to your round of golf.

The good news, it can be fixed and in this video Is har with you some of the key ideas, drills and principles needed to avoid hitting the ground before the ball and start striking the irons like the best in the world

The ideas in this video are designed to be simple but effective allowing you to see results quickly

#fatshots #ballstriking #ballthenturf #strike #striketips #golf

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🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.




  1. This has been the single biggest problem in my swing and this solution is brilliantly demonstrated. Thanks Chris, great work as usual.

  2. Hands down the best drills instructor anywhere. It's easy to talk about the problem and say what you need to do "hit after the ball", but your drills and instructions are so clear and concise.

  3. Just got back from the range. So, 20 years of playing golf don't just fix itself easily. I'm still hitting down on my driver, 250ish carry with ball speed of 155-165mph. I know I can get better distance, I think I need shock therapy to hit up on the ball.

  4. How crazy that this video has just come out. I've been suffering with this forever but started to develop hitting out of the toe as the hands have been flipping to prevent pushing right. Then got talking scratch golfer up at the range who told me my hips stop turning so to focus on turning to hit at the target and not the ball.

  5. Im laid up with back and hip injury from golf. First time in 10 years. Perhaps the viewers would benefit from some simple quick stretches for hips and lower back.

  6. I always pick a specific “path” to swing the club THROUGH. This takes my focus off of the ball itself, and allows me to turn, and finish. If you’re doing the other two things he talked about, you WILL NOT hit it fat. Weight forward, and rotate through. Think about it…. Your practice swings are always nice, and fluid because your not hyper focused on the ball being your target. Just repeat that. Swing the club head through where the ball is sitting. Never aim at the ball. Just allow it to get in the way of your swing.

  7. I think I could be your worst nightmare. I do have more difficulty with fat shots, but I will also, from time to time, top the ball. I think the latter problem arises more when I’m not extending my arms through the swing. The fat shots occur when I get stuck on my left side (being left handed) and/or my swing path is too steep. As always great lesson.

  8. i like this. i've only tried the opposite… moving the golf ball further back in my stance and i end up hitting MORE of the ground behind the ball. gonna try this when lockdown restrictions allow me to go play/practice!!

  9. nice clarification of a movement that penalizes a large number of golfers.Even me sometimes 🙄😁

  10. This is a GREAT video… Went to the range this morning and used Chris' advice and absolutely started smashing the ball. Thank you so much, Chris!

  11. "Never failed on the other side" is me. A great thought to help with swinging through the ball. Thanks!

  12. It all makes sense as someone who has struggled getting to “the other side of the ball”. How exactly do you avoid what they say as getting ahead of the ball? I guess if you keep rotating you can only get but so far past it.

  13. Thanks for the great video Chris. As s guy that's been playing under 2 years – as simply needs a swing. I've done most of the bad things you discussed!!
    I will start practicing with these drills for sure.

  14. Chris, question: I can shift forward when I'm swinging in the air, but when it comes time to address the ball, my mind is filled with many things. Is there something I can think to do in order to move my weight forward, when so many other thoughts are competing for attention?

  15. Very helpful, I do have a tendency to hit the ground first and this has made a big difference to my ball striking, thanks for sharing 🙌🏼👍🏼

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