This UPGRADE is way better than NEW GOLF CLUBS!

This UPGRADE is way better than NEW GOLF CLUBS! Worlds BEST golf coach TRANSFORMED my game… (FIRST ROUND!) Worlds BEST golf coach UPGRADED MY GAME! Pete Cowen LESSON UPDATE! Recently I got a lesson from the world’s best golf teacher Peter Cowen, and the video has gone down a storm! in todays video I recap on what I was taught, what i’m doing to ty and improve my golf.. and how I plan on getting better. Worlds BEST golf coach TRANSFORMS my game in 25 MINUTES!! I get a lesson with PETER COWEN… The BEST GOLF COACH in the world! Pete Cowen has CHANGED MY GOLF GAME FOREVER! (FULL LESSON!)I get a lesson with PETER COWEN… The BEST GOLF COACH in the world! Pete Cowen as been widely recognised as the best golf coach in the world for a number of years now, from coaching Rory Mcilroy, Brooks Koepka, Lee Westwood, Henrick Stenson, Matt Fitzpatrick to many many more he has been teaching the best golfers in the world for a long time… so what can he do with my game?! will he turn me into one of the best golfers in the world? will he get me hitting the longest drives i’ve ever hit? the straightest iron shots ever? the best golf shots ever? let’s find out… and let’s do it now!


  1. Yea, it took me some time to get my swing changes in place. Took several in January to match of 2021, I got a completely different swing now. I'd say it took almost a year for me to be consistent with it.

  2. I started rebuilding my swing in November. I have practiced/played two times a week since. I have taken 10 check up lessons. I have a final follow up today. I’m just now start to see it work out

  3. Thanks for the follow-up! I would love more in-depth discussions of the concepts Pete raised with your former coach and you. E.g. the hands wringing the towel opposing each other and the proper loading.

  4. I took a lesson with a PGA Pro here in the states and had VERY good results after only one lesson. Things that I 'knew' but for one reason or another couldn't make happen just sort of clicked when explained properly and made sense. Now I am a HIGH handy-capper so I think I'm going to see more improvement going from 90s-80s then a low/scratch handy-capper like yourself going from high 70's to low 70's. Good luck on your journey and have FUN, I know I am!

  5. Keep going with it Robbo! The swing does look a lot nicer on the eye, but ultimately if it makes you a better player, that’s more important. 👍🏻

  6. Love seeing instruction and how it plays out on the course. Instruction at the driving range is nice but it doesnt have any of the variables of actual course play.

  7. Great James! Love looking at you play! Looking awesome!

    For me, mo lessons for now, but I have been trying to apply advice from Matthew Wolff of feeling the weight on the ball of the feet not heels and allowing the flexibility to come from that. The difference is staggering!

  8. Your swing looks so much nicer and smoother for sure.

    I am very new to golf and have had two lessons around grip and back swing and it's taken me a while to get use to the baseball grip I used when starting

  9. Based on recent videos, it seems you are having trouble aiming tee shots and with putter ball position. Might be time to have the old eyes checked. I know it worked wonders for me.

  10. It's always a set of mixed feelings when working on swing changes. It can be fun when you're practicing, but if you're about to go and play with someone, it can be really painful; not set with the new swing yet, but can't get the old one to work either anymore.

    By the way, is it just the camera angle lying or was your set up quite a bit to the left on that last full wedge shot? Seemed like your feet were aligned so that any kind of draw would have gone to the left side of that green bunker…

  11. I had about 18 months of lessons after a 20 year hiatus from playing. It payed dividends! And now I have enough knowledge to tweak my skills by myself. Getting coaching and a good coach you get along with is paramount to improving.

  12. I can definitely see the Influence of your lesson In your swing already! You still need to work on setting your swing in the right position at the top, though. (Still too flat!)

    By the way….My whole family has watched that video! I’ve watched it at least 5 times already with many more to come. This may sound strange to some, but I seem to find something new in it every time I watch it!

    It’s already had an effect on my game. My swing feels easier, and more repeatable already. Give it a few more months and I fully expect that I will be the best ball striker I have ever been.

    It’s already had quite the effect on my 13 year old daughter’s swing as well. She’s already hitting it straighter than ever. What she tells me is that the lesson finally helped her understand the swing in a way that she makes sense to her.

    Thanks for this bit if YouTube Gold you’ve shared with us!

  13. So when you are wringing the towel, is the feeling in the hands or the forearms? I would like to see more please.

  14. Nice one James, would be interested in following your journey. There is a good Pete Cowan driving tip on YouTube (only 1:48 mins) worth watching if anyone is interested.

  15. Tips and hints on the swing are okay but there is no substitute for high quality education. The Pete Cowan video also showed how well he can communicate with the student and your viewers. I like many viewers went out to the range to try and incorporate the lesson into our own games. I also realized that there are a couple of things i do okay but its clear what i dont do well therefore it is also clear what i need to focus on. Your follow up leaves us waiting for more.

  16. Would have loved to get a lesson from that man years ago-still would now. Life gets in the way sometimes. Keep working on it James and the results will come.

  17. I really enjoyed the vid of your lesson with Pete Cowan and it looks as though your takeaway is in a much better position, "less round your arse" as Pete would say. So I am hoping that you carry on with the lesson journey and share the lessons on your channel.
    I have a similar tendency in my own swing (taking the club too far on the inside, fanning the clubface open, getting stuck and I end up coming over the top). The fault is so engrained with me that I need a lesson with my coach once a month just to check that I haven't reverted back to the fault. It's just a quick 10mins to double-check my takeaway and I'm good to go👍👍

  18. Would 100% like to follow the journey James. Watched the video with Pete a few times and think there is loads that could be learned to see how you develop

  19. We moved house in October the new house has a 50 meter long garden so now the weather is improving I've started work on me very own practice area I can't wait till its finished 😀

  20. Liked team sport practice, football, basketball, even team tennis. Hate golf public range practice. Recently bought good net system and golf mat for practice at home. Much easier and better for trying tweaks to game.

  21. I take lessons, mostly practice in the bay.

    To be honest, after a year of work I am still having issues getting hands down at the start of the backswing. I understand the mechanics way better and can understand what I do wrong when I hit it. But fuck me if I could get the hands to drop on command.

  22. James, I know this will sound daft & tell me if it it. But the “ ringing the towel “ drill. Is this just to get your hands set on the grip? Or do you use it while swinging

  23. I started watching Peter's Pyramid of Learning videos on YouTube. I highly recommend them if you are looking for more info from Peter.

  24. About 2 months ago converted to Stack and Tilt. The "traditional" swing was just not working for me after over a year. Now, I rarely hit it fat and my good shots are awesome. I practice the body movements in my yard. Now I take it to the course and practice after about a month on the range and I seem massive improvements. 6 months ago I could not break 90, last week I shot 81. My goal is to break 80 on a consistent basis. I am a one dimensional iron player (draw) but I have learned to draw and fade the driver.

  25. Been talking to a few pga pros. They all say that HE is quite a miserable person. I just don't think I could take advice with that sort of vibe in the air. And no, he doesn't charge 50 pounds an hour either lol Comments??

  26. I've watched the first video a few times as well! I've found something similar, my short game shots have felt much more controlled and centred. My long game has gone to pot because I think I'm getting too steep/out-to-in with the longer clubs. So my task is to dial that back a bit and hopefully find as much consistency as I did with the short game

  27. I think the thing people don't do is find an instructor that speaks their language, I mean you could go to the best instructor in the world but if you can't understand what they are trying to teach, you're wasting your/ their time. Moral of the story, interview the instructor, you are in affect hiring them to do a job.

  28. I practise on the range and the practise area, work way more on my short game than irons and tee shots. Not taken a lesson in a long time though. I am taking one next week 🙂

  29. Is it a fade you want to see all the time James…or are you gonna learn both ways mate 👍

  30. For me, I find there are distinct mindset differences between practicing and playing a round. In practice, whether on the range or as demonstrated in this video, on the course, I'm thinking about every intricacy of the swing. There is naturally self analysis after every shot whether good or bad. When I'm playing a round (and scoring), sure I mentally recall what I want to do for the shot at hand, but I try not to overthink it. The only constant is the post shot analysis.

  31. Had a few lessons over the last few years, all little bits on info that helped slightly. However, went to the Scottish golf show a few weeks ago and got a free 15 min lesson. It has changed my game massively. I had given up on driver and was hitting 3 wood off the tee constantly. Not anymore, the difference with my driver is night and day. And it’s all from one little change from a 15 min lesson

  32. Not trying to be negative, but your drill looks really good unfortunately you go back to your old swing when you actually do the actual swing. Keep doing the drills it will come.

  33. I love to practice on the driving range, if you can hit from grass to targets. The hitting area should be clearly on a higher level so that you see properly where the ball lands. I think practicing is sometimes even more fun than playing.

  34. Great video. The Pete Cowen video blew my mind, took a few things from it and been working on them this week – when it works it really works! Your swing looks easier, looks more like effortless power from the top. I presume this is because you're getting into good positions? Keep going, will be a fascinating journey 👍🏌‍♂️⛳💥

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