Golf Babe

Sara Brown Swing 7 iron – FOA

Ripping some 7 irons at the Canadian Women’s Open


  1. It's her instinctive move and shorter actually hurts her back, she's super hyper mobile. If she's ripping it like this, why would someone's move have to be changed if they own it? By the way she just won. A good instructor knows what not to change…ie Butch not changing Dustin Johnson's top of swing position.

  2. So defensive! This logic is quite unsettling though. I can see she's super hyper mobile for sure, so why would shorter hurt? It's obviously an issue that's going to have to be addressed and as her instructor, I wouldn't be giving out that info anyway. Btw, did you see what happened on Sunday US Open 2010? Timing disaster under pressure. What did Tiger do after he won the 97 Masters? Congrats on all the success. I hope that back stays healthy.

  3. Not defensive at all. Just saying if someone is hitting it solid, sometimes there's no need for change just for the sake of making change. Not sure why, just listening to what the player said. There's no big secret, btw I've helped her very briefly but her caddie is her instructor, we're just very good friends. She will be very successful and keep #crushingit

  4. Make the change to save her back, which is already apparently hurting… But it's ultimately her decision, as you stated. After viewing this a couple times, I can see what's causing the issue of pain when kept shorter and why it doesn't hurt when kept longer. Problem is, she has a flat swing with a lifting upper body move, which means she's on the wrong end of her natural move. The lift is caused by poor posture, particularly her spine angle at address, which is too vertical.

  5. very nice swing but ……and there always is a but *lol*. anytime the clubhead is ahead of the hands at impact the shot is NOT "solid"! At least not as solid as it could be. You can get away with a small amount of "clubhead throwaway" on long shots but it will kill you in the short game. Hands ahead of the clubhead at impact is a MUST for consistant short shots with only few exceptions.

  6. I agree the hands need to be me forward. Nevertheless she hits it solid and long. The shaft is always in "lead deflection" at impact. I'm she'll continue to work at it, but she had an amazing year 12th on the money list on the Symetra with a win. She "owns it" and that's more important than making it perfect from a visual standpoint.

  7. I'm extremely flexible and have long arms – my friends laugh at my overswing and yet I can rip the ball and shoot in the 70s so let 'em laugh. If the young lady can play and ''has it upstairs'' you're doing your job

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