Golf Babe

MY NEW CLUB!! Break 80 Ep3

Time for another break 80 video, this time at Woolley Park, which is my new golf club for 2022! The course was in immaculate condition as always and we had great weather!

Can I finally break 80 in this series? Or will I fall short again? Have a watch and find out…

Hope you enjoy, Gaz!


  1. I think focus on getting birdies and then the pars is a bonus where you focus on getting a par and then bogey doesn’t seem bad. Little more confidence on the shorter outs 🙌🏻

  2. I can't tell if you already do this, but try lining your feet up with where you want to hit, it helped me with my accuracy. Also with irons try closing the club face slightly, it helps stop chipping to the right, other than that you're playing great! 😃

  3. Well played Gaz, you hit that ball a foot passed the hole you would of sunk 4 + more putts today, thats what you need to work on.

  4. Hi Gaz, I think its a mental thing rather than your game! Being so laser focused on breaking 80 that you almost subconsciously tense and don't want to do it if that makes sense? Your brain will be like fuck if we break 80 whats next like its holding you back because the next goal might be so massive it keeps you SAFE from it! I am no expert but try a round of banter golf just have fun and get someone else to keep score and just play see how it goes!

  5. Pitching and chipping gaz long game even tho wayward at times was getting you down there your pitching was on point last year and chipping tho so maybe just off day prehaps 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Putter was just not dropping too best shot of the day was that putter off the first green into space 🤣

  6. You need to work on your distance control with putting and pitching.
    Also I’d say work on your chips are the green.
    Long game looks solid

  7. I think it’s your shot selection on chips. Few times I think you could have played a nice bump and run but you tried a chip which come up short. Perhaps a playing lesson could benefit you to help you with your shot selection rather than a lesson on executing the actual shots

  8. Honestly the alignment on some shots was off and you hit the ball in that direction which left you in trouble. Also try a few putters as the current one is not helping. Otherwise you're in good shape to break 80 in no time.👍🏾

  9. Loving the series Gaz, few putts start dropping and you’re breaking 80 no bother 🎯

  10. around the green when fairly flat the 8 iron used as a putter stroke saves me so much. I know you said on Ganton video you don’t like it but it’s a much easier shot to get you close putts

  11. Good round, kept it together and a few birdie looks at the end were nice. I thought your 50-100 yard shots could be improved

  12. I hate hole 14, I got on the green in 2 the other week and walked off with a 6. Brutal green that. Lovely course though!

  13. Hi gaz.great content.been watching u from day don't have to change nothing.your game is getting better every round.look at that flop shot.a s@#t player would never try that lol.😂just need to slow yourself on the putting side and it will all come together. Keep up the great work fella 🏌‍♂️⛳️

  14. First hole, the ball on your first putt went about 7 feet past where you had it in the second putt for par. Wasn’t a genuine hole that one gaz come on

  15. It’s a tough slog. Keep at it. I’m regularly breaking 85 now but getting down to 80 eludes me

  16. Gaz look at the way ur ball comes off your putter it’s divvy lad ! Doesn’t come off smoothly or straight always going to cost you strokes !

  17. Game is decent make a good amount of up and downs, lag putting could do with a bit of work. Other thing I’d say is you have the ability just need to be less conservative and try and make more birdies not just take pars. Playing off 2, I use to par my way round like you do but to get better just have to try making birdies

  18. Definitely the chipping and losing silly shots from 100 yards in
    Some 3 putting too
    Watching that round you could have easily took 5 shots off.
    Imo it's just time and experience of getting in better positions and the able to convert them.
    Just had my 1st ever under par round. Par 71 scored gross 69 and it was definitely because got up and down lots of times
    Keep going gaz

  19. Should try Scathingwell G.C, great course just near Tadcaster! Tough greens and it'd be a challenge !

  20. Class mate. Subscribed and liked. Watch all the videos and feel like I’m with you ok a journey. Love the rawness of the videos and editing. You show the purity of your golf warts and all. Good shots, bad, frustrations, fun and the emotions of the day. Great to see you enjoying the positive times and pushing through the bad. Keep up the vids

  21. Gaz you’re way to hard on yourself mate, but I feel your pain as tee to green different gravy but putting is my nemesis… but fine margins that’s why we love golf, as one hole you wanna quit the next you could take on Augusta! Love the videos and your upbeat outlook keep up the good work fella 👊

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