5 Mobile App Marketing Strategies for Hotels | Pulsate Academy

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Mobile App marketing strategies for hotels explained

Did you know in a recent report, 46% of millennials booked a hotel room using their mobile phone. Today’s episode focuses on the top 5 mobile marketing strategies used by hotels

In today’s episode you will learn:

0:25 What are the mobile marketing challenges for hotels in 2016?
We investigate what the challenges for hotels are in 2016 and how to overcome them.

1:21 What are the top trends relating to mobile for hotels?
We reveal the top trends hotels should consider implementing in 2016.

2:10 How did the Hilton Hotel group utilize mobile marketing techniques?
We discuss how the Hilton hotel group used their app to uniquely market their product.

2:41 How did the Best Western Hotel group utilize mobile marketing techniques?
We show you how Best Western Hotel group used geofencing at airports to increase conversions within their app

3:04 What are the best use cases of mobile app marketing for hotels?
We explain some modern use cases for hotel mobile app marketing.

Read the full article here:

Are you a hotel with an app? We would love to hear about your mobile marketing strategies and what successes you are having in the comments below.

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Pulsate is an All-in-One mobile marketing growth stack used by leading mobile marketers to drive sales from their app, increase user engagement and deliver experiences to build brand loyalty.
